Tuesday, December 29, 2009

金溥聰線上民調 選項全正面
KMT throws a coin: head or head?

See also:

KMT: Pick your suffering from my list, and
Choose either strongly agree or no opinion


金溥聰線上民調 選項全正面

臺灣新浪網 - ‎7小時之前‎
金溥聰接國民黨秘書長才半個月的時間,黨中央就迫不及待的幫他做線上民調,不過上網一看,3個選擇都是只說好話,沒有負面選項,綠營立委就批評說,這種民調根本是做給「自己爽的」,甚至連藍軍自家人也說,這樣的民調是假民調。金溥聰接下黨秘書長才半個月,黨內民調已經 ...

Friday, December 11, 2009

Don't ever say 國民黨, say 中國 國民黨

Please watch the following 2009-12-10 頭家來開講, section 4, particularly if you
  • still say 國民黨 instead of 中國國民黨 or 中國
  • say 藍綠 when you should say evil vs humanity
  • still vote KMT

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

陳錦煌: 為「良心」與「百姓福祉」支持翁重鈞
中國評論新聞: KMT多管齊下 策動綠營倒戈

I wrote about 翁重鈞 like this:
  • First, some comments about him from 曾韋禎:
    惡質立委 2008-09-24 00:44:10
    http://blog.roodo.com/weichen/archives/7234783.html - 曾韋禎的部落格 - 新聞評論
    為什麼蔡啟芳會輸? 2008-01-17 00:42:47
    得出來蔡啟芳明顯優於翁重鈞,如果有人執意認為翁比較好,那相信我,那個人一定是個智障。 翁重鈞陣營買票買多誇張呢?目前被抓到有13件,全國之冠,被起訴也有2件。不過腦殘的檢察官居然相信樁腳說的「因為欠翁重鈞人情,所以自己出錢幫翁重鈞買票
    http://blog.roodo.com/weichen/archives/4993365.html - 曾韋禎的部落格 - 新聞評論
    這款的立委 2007-12-19 00:14:43
    http://blog.roodo.com/weichen/archives/4677847.html - 曾韋禎的部落格 - 新聞評論
  • I have not heard anything about his contribution as a congressman. Have you?
  • In addition to being notorious himself, he has the support of the most unethical man Ma Ying-Jeou.
What kind of person can support 翁重鈞?
Who is this 陳錦煌, who is capable of openly support
  • 翁重鈞, a KMT/CCP collaborator to turn Taiwan into Tibet
  • 翁重鈞, someone who won last legislative election by vote-buying
  • 翁重鈞, a well-known 惡質立委
He was a 二二八基金會前董事長!

This reminds me of such news:
[ Translate this page ]

2008年2月24日 ... 中新網2月25日電據台灣《聯合報》報導,國民黨2008參選人馬英九24日與228遺族家屬對談。228遺族家屬除替馬英九的誠信背書,更稱許馬英九是“真情愛台灣 ...
news.sina.com/tw/chinanews/101-101-101.../19262690292.html - Cached
What is happening to 陳錦煌? Here is a hint:
[ Translate this page ]
2008年3月4日 ... 為了替馬英九砌上一道“省籍防火牆”,早在“立委”選舉前,馬蕭陣營就採取多管齊下方式,策動綠營倒戈,一是馬英九不斷與228遺族互動,推動補償條例、 ...
www.chinareviewnews.com/doc/7_0_100582715_1.html - Cached
Finally, who is 馬蕭陣營? That includes the Taiwan news media. See this:


中時電子報 - ‎6分鐘之前‎
嘉義縣長參選人翁重鈞,二日晚間在新港公園舉辦造勢晚會,配合明華園公演,吸引近兩千人熱情參與;「小鎮醫師」陳錦煌亦到場力挺,針對白天張花冠辭職風波,陳錦煌強調,政治語言與操作他不懂,選擇支持翁重鈞,純粹是從「良心」與「百姓福祉」為出發點。 ...


中時電子報 - ‎2009年12月1日‎
由林秋桂署名標題「新港人的惋惜與痛心」廣告,內容指出:「看到陳錦煌醫師公開支持國民黨縣長候選人翁重鈞,我們感到非常惋惜與痛心…。」一日在各大平面媒體刊登後,被眼尖鄉民發現,廿多位連署人中有五人名字被寫錯,事後更傳出有部分村長反彈廣告內容與他們原先得知的 ...

嘉縣/連署批陳錦煌 村長說遭利用

聯合新聞網 - ‎22小時之前‎
扁政府時代政務委員陳錦煌公開支持翁重鈞參選嘉義縣長,新港鄉奉天宮前董事長盧明森與廿二名鄉民代表、村長昨天連署刊登「新港人的惋惜與痛心」廣告抨擊陳錦煌;但署名者中有人跳出來澄清,被人利用,遭政治炒作。 以盧明森及代表林秋桂為首的聲明指出,看到陳錦煌支持仍 ...

嘉縣/陳錦煌效應 藍估差五千票

聯合新聞網 - ‎2009年11月28日‎
詹春柏分析,藍綠原本是四六比,具指標的二二八基金會前董事長陳錦煌相挺,藍營有勝選把握;翁重鈞喊出終結派系執政,未來將是全民縣長,試圖讓「陳錦煌效應擴大」。 據透露,藍營是透過前縣長李雅景牽線,成功策反陳錦煌,詹春柏也說「這種指標型人物站出來,對選情具有 ...


中時電子報 - ‎20小時之前‎
嘉義縣長選情緊繃,藍綠廝殺激烈,國民黨候選人翁重鈞陣營連日來頻挖綠營牆角,繼新港「小鎮醫師」陳錦煌、自稱民進黨資深黨員的蔡豐文等跳出來挺翁,迫使民進黨主席蔡英文發一封《給國民黨支持者公開信》,以穩固張花冠選情,這場諜對諜的選戰策略對選情有多大影響,則尚 ...

世衛國際安全社區 我被登載中國台灣省

自由時報 - ‎2009年12月1日‎
新港文教基金會創會董事長、扶緣服務協會創會理事長陳錦煌說,去年申請得知,不少居民反彈不想做了,但有更多居民盼獲政府挹注提升社區安全環境,身為輔導單位,無奈但尊重地方決定;地方曾輾轉向行政院衛生署反映未果,「衛生署不夠努力,致使台灣的榮耀都成『中國的 ...


中時電子報 - ‎2009年11月30日‎
嘉義縣長選戰打得火熱,現任縣長陳明文遭流彈波及,前政務委員陳錦煌一句「嘉義縣八年來沒進步」,讓陳明文及縣政團隊內心覺得「太委屈」,副縣長吳容輝卅日率一級事務首長以「公道自在人心─嘉義縣八年建設」為題,細數各項建設成果。 吳容輝強調,每個人對「進步」的 ...


自由時報 - ‎2009年12月1日‎
尤其是民進黨執政時期的政務委員、二二八基金會董事長陳錦煌出面力挺嘉義縣長候選人翁重鈞,效應很大。陳錦煌對社會的清新影響力很大,對嘉義縣新港地區極具效果。 此外,會中也交換行動中常會與嘉義縣舉辦的造勢晚會,國民黨認為,「整個氣勢都起來了」。 ...


中時電子報 - ‎20小時之前‎
國民黨評估,嘉義縣選情有翻轉可能,尤其在前扁政府政務委員陳錦煌出面力挺國民黨嘉義縣長候選人翁重鈞之後,產生的正面效應「比預期好很多」。 目前陷入膠著的宜蘭縣,選前之夜黨內菁英盡出,除馬英九外,宜蘭女婿行政院長吳敦義、台中市長胡志強等重量級輔選要員,都將 ...

王金平:自由象徵 別扯兩岸

華視新聞 - ‎2009年11月10日‎
今年四月,德國布蘭登堡邦上哈維爾郡,將這堵重2.5噸、高3.5公尺、寬1.2公尺、底座2公尺的柏林圍牆,送給時任二二八基金會董事長的陳錦煌;昨天則由二二八基金會現任董事長詹啟賢,捐贈給台灣民主基金會,呈現給台灣人民。「站在柏林圍牆前,感觸非常深。 ...

Friday, November 27, 2009

KMT: Pick your suffering from my list, and
Choose either strongly agree or no opinion

Here is how Chinese-KMT government finds the top ten resentments of Taiwan people under Ma Ying-Jeou's presidency:
The government comes up with a list of 15 resentments, one of which is too much dog shit on the roads. First on any sane man's list of resentments would be Ma Ying-Jeou. Precisely for this reason, the government could not let people create their own resentment list. Instead, the government puts a pre-decided list of 15 on the web for people to pick.
Early of the year, 曾韋禎 recorded a KMT web poll that allows only two options: strongly agree, and no opinion:
曾韋禎: 國民黨好自爽

國民黨這個賣台黨,為了營造賣台的正當性,趁網頁改版之際,作了一個線上民調。即便國民黨已經養了一堆職業學生、網軍了,仍然是不放心,在「對於兩岸大三通、您的看法是 ? 」的投票中,竟然只有「非常贊成」和「沒意見」兩選項。連這種連參考價值都稱不上的網路票選,國民黨都可以作假。那,國民黨、馬政府的任何民調數據,又有哪個是可以相信的?

聯合報 praised such practice of 票選「十大民怨」:


票選民怨? 綠轟官員像外星人

臺灣新浪網 - ‎8小時之前‎


聯合新聞網 - ‎2009年11月26日‎
從倡議「庶民經濟」到票選「十大民怨」,閣揆吳敦義展現了他接近民意、體貼庶民的一面。但他要求以「票選」方式來排列民怨,並聲稱將編列五千億元「旗艦計畫」來消除民怨,卻有商榷餘地。 主政者有心消除民怨,值得給予肯定,至少這不是一個假議題;比起「正名制 ...

Thursday, November 26, 2009

聯合報: 嘉市/涂醒哲再踢館 黃陣營忍處理

According to this 聯合報 title, 涂醒哲 is a bully (再踢館) and KMT's 黃敏惠 is a victim (忍處理). 黃敏惠's HQ refuses 涂醒哲's repeated requests for a policy debate in this mayoral election. In the eyes of KMT/CCP media such as 聯合報, 涂醒哲's request for a policy debate is an aggression (「侵門踏戶」的挑釁行為). The truth is that an election with policy debate among candidates is a better election. Voters must demand to know why 黃敏惠 is afraid of debating with 涂醒哲.

In the following 聯合報's report, you will read about 黃敏惠's KMT/CCP connection/affiliation. 中國國民黨中常委連勝文 and his father are selling out Taiwan (and the 23,000,000 Taiwanese) to CCP. For a Taiwanese, supporting KMT's 黃敏惠 is supporting self-destruction.

嘉市/涂醒哲再踢館 黃陣營忍處理

民進黨籍嘉義市長候選人涂醒哲(中)昨天再度到黃敏惠總部前「踢館」,要求舉辦辯論會。 記者陳永順/攝影



嘉義市長候選人黃敏惠(左)由國民黨中常委連勝文(左二)陪同,昨天在東市場向攤商拜票,攤商舉起大拇指表達支持。 記者陳永順/攝影
黃敏惠昨天先到城隍廟參拜,感謝城隍爺庇佑嘉義市,隨後在多名里長及共和攤販協會理監事陪同下,走進東市場向攤商逐一拜票,「周九魚丸」老闆周見財贈送蘿 蔔祝福「好彩頭」,還有菜販分送粽子、鳳梨等吉祥物品;國民黨中常委連勝文稍後趕抵,一起陪同黃敏惠拜票,不少民眾爭相合照。


【2009/11/27 聯合報】

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Who can vote 黃敏惠?
東森: 下戰帖踢鐵板 涂醒哲悻悻然離去

The title of this 東森 report suggests a defeat for 涂醒哲 who 踢鐵板 and 悻悻然離去. 涂醒哲 appeared to engage in something pretty serious that caused 警方強力攔阻、並進行違法集會舉牌1次. What did he do?
The above sentence implied that debates among candidates are not part of Taiwan's elections, and a request for debate (辯論) can be considered an aggression (侵門踏戶).
This made it clear that KMT candidate 黃敏惠 is avoiding a debate with 涂醒哲. What kind of voters can vote for a candidate who is avoiding a policy debate with her opponents?

東森: 百里侯/嘉市/下戰帖踢鐵板 涂醒哲悻悻然離去

(2009/11/25 15:30)






Tuesday, November 24, 2009

NICHOLAS KRISTOF: Microsoft becomes a unit of CCP's Propaganda Department

Nick wrote:
Western corporations have often behaved embarrassingly in China, sacrificing any principles to ingratiate themselves with the Communist Party authorities. Yahoo was the worst, handing over information about several email account holders so that they could be arrested – and then dissembling and defending its monstrous conduct.
If Yahoo is the worst, consider Associated Press and many others:

Boycott Microsoft Bing

Critics have accused President Obama of kowtowing to Chinese leaders, by failing to meet dissidents, toning down his criticisms and delaying a meeting with the Dalai Lama. On balance, I think that criticism is premature: Confrontation doesn’t help with China and can hurt, and so engagement becomes a fine line to navigate. The Obama visit wasn’t a ringing success, but neither was it a craven embarrassment.

For the latest craven kowtowing, we can look somewhere else: Microsoft and its new search engine, Bing.

Western corporations have often behaved embarrassingly in China, sacrificing any principles to ingratiate themselves with the Communist Party authorities. Yahoo was the worst, handing over information about several email account holders so that they could be arrested – and then dissembling and defending its monstrous conduct. Now Microsoft is sacrificing the integrity of Bing searches so as to cozy up to State Security in Beijing. In effect, it has chosen become part of the Communist Party’s propaganda apparatus.

If you search a term on Bing that is politically sensitive in China, in English the results are legitimate. Search “Tiananmen” and you’ll find out about the army firing on pro-democracy protesters in 1989. Search Dalai Lama, Falun Gong and you also get credible results. Conduct the search in complex Chinese characters (the kind used in Taiwan and Hong Kong) and on the whole you still get authentic results.

But conduct the search with the simplified characters used in mainland China, then you get sanitized pro-Communist results. This is especially true of image searches. Magic! No Tiananmen Square massacre. The Dalai Lama becomes an oppressor. Falun Gong believers are villains, not victims.
What’s most offensive is that this is true wherever in the world the search is conducted – including in my office in New York. If Microsoft felt it had to bow to Chinese censorship within China’s borders, based on the IP address, that might be defensible. But when Microsoft skews its worldwide searches to make Hu Jintao feel better, that’s a disgrace. It becomes simply a unit of the Central Committee Propaganda Department.

(This is an issue with Google as well, but to a much lesser extent. Google censors results on its search engine used within China, google.cn, but offers mostly uncensored results using simplified Chinese characters on its worldwide browser, google.com. However, some searches on google.com, such as images for Falun Gong, are also censored.)

When I originally wrote about this issue back in June, Microsoft protested. “From what you described, that’s not the way Bing is supposed to work,” wrote Kevin Kutz, a company spokesman. He said that Chinese speakers at Microsoft could not replicate my results and did not detect this kind of skewed result. I sent screen shots, and then Microsoft acknowledged the issue but said that it was simply a temporary mistake. “It’s a bug,” Kutz told me. Later, he added: “What’s important is it’s getting fixed.” Soon, he said, Bing searches would be the same for Tiananmen and other sensitive subjects, whatever the language.

Six months later, the censorship continues. And now all of a sudden, it’s company policy.
Microsoft’s current position, which insults my intelligence and yours, is that there was indeed a bug of some kind and that that is fixed – but that searches in simplified characters continue to produce pro-Communist results because of the algorithms used. Mr. Kutz now asserts that a search in any given language emphasizes results from within the country that uses that language. Thus if you search in the simplified characters used within China, then you get disproportionately Chinese propaganda. Thus, he says, the explanation lies in the search algorithms, rather than in Microsoft policy.

Huh? How come that wasn’t the explanation in June? And if that’s the case, then why is there a marked difference between text and image searches? And in any case, why should Bing use an algorithm that results in propaganda and skews results far more than Google? Why isn’t Wikipedia higher on the results with simplified characters?

Of course, it’s possible that Microsoft executives in Redmond, since they can’t read Chinese, are being misled by those executives focused on the China business. Yet my hunch is that Microsoft simply has decided at a top level that it will compromise what principles it must to ingratiate itself with China. This presumably isn’t at China’s specific request: it’s unlikely that Chinese authorities would be so detailed in their demands, and it doesn’t negotiate over minor points like this. But China has made it clear that it dislikes search engines that lead to results it considers seditious, and it can block them.

Microsoft apparently doesn’t want to pursue the Google solution of having separate sites – one that produces generally legitimate results (google.com) and another within China that blatantly censors (google.cn). Instead, Bing figured it would have one site and just censor all the results in simplified Chinese characters. It then compounded the problem by dissembling and disguising its policy. That’s craven and embarrassing, it betrays the integrity of Microsoft searches, and for me it’s a reason to boycott Bing.

UPDATE: Microsoft has posted a measured response: http://bit.ly/6CD49e . It notes that some Bing searches are not skewed even in simplified characters but acknowledges that image searches in particular are sanitized. It says that this is a bug that was identified today and that it will soon be fixed. That’s basically what I was told last June, and I’m very skeptical.

UPDATE 2: For those asking for specific terms, and specific search results, here are some examples by date.

阿明 shows how 中天 brainwashes Taiwanese II

阿明 想要知道歐巴馬跟胡錦濤談的內容 不是他們吃的東西

Saturday, November 7, 2009

清廉人馬英九 力挺 更生人江欽良

馬英九 is absurd to the extreme:
選戰/與吳同台挺李朝卿 馬: 縣長不要理抹黑 中央日報
馬英九 not only ignored all accusations that his Premier 吳敦義 and Nantou County magistrate 李朝卿 closely associated with a paroled criminal 江欽良, he defended all three without as much as paying a lip service of ordering an investigation. He even urged us to dismiss all accusations as rumors.

Do logic and law exist in Taiwan? Before a president defends his accused Premier and County magistrate, shouldn't he at least offer an investigation or proof that they are indeed not mafioso? When he dismisses all accusations and all evidences without any investigation, is this not a worst contempt of the citizens?

父遭江欽良殺害 女兒現身痛批 黑道爭議後 馬吳為李朝卿站台

台視新聞 - ‎13小時之前‎
總統馬英九和閣揆吳敦義一起幫國民黨參選人李朝卿站台,在「江欽良事件」爆發後,宣示相挺到底的決心。 但民進黨仍然緊咬不放,參選人李文忠找來20多年前,被江欽良槍殺的彰化角頭張坤保的女兒站台。 自己的父親26年前被江欽良灌醉後槍殺,讓張靜芳決定站出來。 ...

父遭江欽良殺害 女現身控訴

自由時報 - ‎7小時之前‎
〔記者陳信仁/南投報導〕民進黨南投縣長候選人李文忠昨天成立南投市競選總部時,自稱是二十六年前遭江欽良設計殺害的彰化角頭張坤保之女的張靜芳突然現身,聲淚俱下控訴江欽良殺人惡行,讓張家陷入困境,痛苦陰影至今仍在,而加害人江欽良稱假釋出獄後已改頭換面重新 ...

25年前父遭江欽良殺害 力挺李文忠

中時電子報 - ‎1小時之前‎

江欽良事件挺吳? 馬笑而不答

臺灣新浪網 - ‎19小時之前‎
吳揆和江欽良出國同遊的風暴,持續延燒,但7日出席醫學活動的馬總統,被問到吳敦義的事,馬總統都是笑而不答,倒是面對美牛風暴的楊志良,在台上有感而發的說,可能自己能力不足,才會引起那麼大的風波。雖然是參加醫學活動,但馬總統一出席,大家最關心的還是吳敦義和 ...

清廉人馬英九 更生人江欽良

In order to legalize gambling, KMT invented the term 博弈. In order to whitewash 江欽良, KMT created the term 更生人 江欽良. See such KMT news report:
江欽良 is a 更生人, just as 馬英九 is a 清廉人. 被綠營大作文章 means there is no news here; we KMT are not interested. I suspect 接受TVBS獨家專訪 is another KMT's whitewash attempt. Can you imagine 江欽良 interviewed by 大話新聞 or 頭家來開講? Finally, 更生人 江欽良 just like 清廉馬英九's sister is also 年少輕狂.

For 更生人江欽良's video's, see

未拜訪過江欽良?李文忠說沒 競選總部主委說有 

2009-11-06 12:15:25 楊鎮全
江欽良發「聲」 和吳揆只是點頭之交


2009-11-05 14:37:43 
〈快訊〉吳揆聲明:更生人若危鄉里 不可能接觸


2009-11-05 13:15:29 
江欽良聲明 「年少輕狂已付代價」


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Let us coauthor a book of Do's and Don'ts

Together, let us write a book on what Taiwanese should not say, and what we should say instead. I call the book KMT brainwashing smasher for now, but I am open to any suggestions. Your feedback will be most highly appreciated. Please participate and contribute by filling out the simple form below and submit. Click here to browse the entries.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Ma Ying-Jeou is determined to turn Taiwan into Tibet

I add my comments to the AFP report in-place and to the right of the text proper. All emphases are mine.

Taiwan's parliament to ratify China trade pact
TAIPEI — Taiwan's President Ma Ying-jeou said at the weekend that the island's controversial trade pact with China will be subjected to parliamentary
scrutiny before it is ratified.
So, it is controversial.
Taipei insists that the proposed pact will boost the island's annual economic growth by more than one percentage point, but opposition leaders fear it will compromise Taiwan's de facto independence.

In a speech on Saturday after he was formally sworn in as chairman of the ruling Kuomintang party, Ma gave an assurance that all negotiations with Beijing on the "Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement" would be transparent.

His track record says that nothing he says can be believed!

"I promise all these things will be stated clearly. And once it is signed, it will be submitted to parliament for ratification," Ma said.

If this turns to be true, it would be the end of Taiwan, because the KMT legislators will simply rubber-stamp it.

He also gave an assurance that the trade pact "must be what the country needs, supported by the people and placed under supervision of parliament.

He denies people birthrights of referendum and now says it must be supported by the people.

"Therefore, I hereby guarantee that in the future, the government will report to parliament the contents of the pact before it is signed," Ma said.

What does Ma think of people? People do not need to know the content of the pact? Why is it that the content is still never disclosed?

He said Taiwan's people will be given an idea of what the pact's benefits will be, as well as "what negative impacts it may bring to Taiwan."

Why is he hiding the content of ECFA from Taiwanese?

Taiwan's government says the pact will boost the flow of goods and personnel between the island and the mainland and hopes it will be signed early next year.

This is how Taiwan is turned into Tibet!
The opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), which favours independence from China, claims it will demote Taiwan to the status of a local government in any talks with the mainland on reunification.

In other words, ECFA turns Taiwan into Tibet!
China and Taiwan split in 1949 after a civil war, but relations have warmed since May last year, when the China-friendly Ma assumed the presidency following the DPP's defeat in general elections.


  • Taiwan did not split from China. Taiwan was not in China's civil war.
  • Relationship got much worst. More Chinese missiles are aiming at Taiwan and Chinese bullying of Taiwan has intensified.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

ECFA will turn Taiwan into Tibet










ECFA just a step to annexing Taiwan

By Lin Kien-tsu 健次

Thursday, Oct 15, 2009, Page 8

After Taiwan and China sign an economic cooperation and framework agreement (ECFA), WTO regulations require that a free-trade agreement (FTA) be signed within 10 years.

In addition to tariff exemptions, an FTA requires the signatories to deregulate their service industries, including the retail, wholesale, food and beverage, tourism, hotel, entertainment, media, bank, insurance, communications, transport, health, education, consulting and brokerage industries. This could give rise to an influx of Chinese service industry manpower in Taiwan.

In short, the signing of an FTA will mean a substantial opening up of Taiwan to the Chinese labor market. In addition to the inflow of Chinese capital, Chinese workers will also flood Taiwan. Taiwan and China will, in practice, move to the
common market stage of economic integration and form a one China common market.

There are four main differences between a common Chinese market and the EU. EU member states recognize each other
s sovereignty, while China sees Taiwan as part of its national territory; EU states have a common defense policy, while China has missiles pointed at Taiwan; key EU member states are of approximate size and no country can monopolize the organization, while China is much bigger than Taiwan and will dominate a common Chinese market; and the EU is made up of democratic states, while China is a dictatorship where the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is the government.

After adopting capitalism, the CCP has perpetuated its control of the Chinese government, legislation and judiciary, interferes with markets, leads the distribution of benefits and directs corporations, and then uses corporate control to direct media and public opinion in order to achieve its political goals.

To simplify his rule, the Qin (
) emperor relocated the rich and powerful to undermine their power base. Today, an ECFA and an FTA will push Taiwanese businesspeople to move to China and usher in Chinese capital to Taiwan. These agreements will also introduce significant change, causing a great outflow of Taiwanese labor and a large-scale invasion of Chinese. Chinese and Chinese interest groups in Taiwan are sure to become a force to be reckoned with, and under the CCPs direction, they will become the key force just as they are in Tibet and Xinjiang.

With the power to direct the common Chinese market, it will be easy for China to use its control over businesses to influence the interests of Taiwanese corporations and order around Taiwanese businesspeople, enterprises and media around until they are scared into silence, thus restricting freedom of expression and dissemination of public information. The next step will be to control Taiwan
s elections at all levels and to direct Taiwanese politicians toward emulating Chinas Taiwan policy. This is how they will annex Taiwan without wasting the life of a single soldier.

The main point of the ECFA is not capitalism or the best interests of the working class. ECFA is but another name for the promise of a common Chinese market and one China. It is a contract to sell Taiwan.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

傅雲欽律師: 看荒腔走板的藍綠對抗

Less than a month ago, I wrote

傅雲欽律師: 藍綠惡鬥 不問是非 真是可惡

hoping that 傅雲欽 will stop brainwashing Taiwanese. But he seems to be determined.

It is most regrettable that as a lawyer, 傅雲欽 sees no evil with Taiwan's judicial system. For example:
Our most imminent danger is to be swallowed by China and turned into Tibet. Domestically, our biggest problem is a regime that cannot be held responsible for the people, and constantly stonewalls our demands for transparency and justice. Which side is 傅雲欽 on?

《建國廣場通告》 宣佈獨立是法理台獨的關鍵


傅雲欽 (律師 / 建國廣場負責人) 2009.10.14








1. 毀損罪:洪健益只是將釘住的木板踢開一個縫,好讓手伸進去轉開門的把手,似未毀棄、損壞木板或致令它不堪用,不合毀損罪的成立要件。

2. 侵入建築物罪:此罪的成立,只有「侵入他人的建築物」還不夠,還要處在「無緣無故」的情境才算。也就是說,侵入他人的建築物如有正當理由或原因,即不構成此罪。洪健益在有民眾舉發及兩天前的錄影為證的情形下,基於市議員監督市政府的職責,陪同民視前往查證時,為解釋說明的需要而闖進建築物內,其理由不能說不正當。

3. 加重竊盜罪:車站內的幾張文宣品本來就是供民眾索取的。洪健益的助理自取幾份,應無不可。洪說拿文宣是要作為了解市府施政情形之用,可見並無不法所有的意思。且幾張文宣品的財產價值,其違法性甚低,難以成罪。




民視獨家報導/議員闖貓纜 鬧出「假新聞」風波

自由時報 2009-10-13









Sunday, September 20, 2009

China's world-wide censorship of
The 10 Conditions of Love












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