Friday, November 27, 2009

KMT: Pick your suffering from my list, and
Choose either strongly agree or no opinion

Here is how Chinese-KMT government finds the top ten resentments of Taiwan people under Ma Ying-Jeou's presidency:
The government comes up with a list of 15 resentments, one of which is too much dog shit on the roads. First on any sane man's list of resentments would be Ma Ying-Jeou. Precisely for this reason, the government could not let people create their own resentment list. Instead, the government puts a pre-decided list of 15 on the web for people to pick.
Early of the year, 曾韋禎 recorded a KMT web poll that allows only two options: strongly agree, and no opinion:
曾韋禎: 國民黨好自爽

國民黨這個賣台黨,為了營造賣台的正當性,趁網頁改版之際,作了一個線上民調。即便國民黨已經養了一堆職業學生、網軍了,仍然是不放心,在「對於兩岸大三通、您的看法是 ? 」的投票中,竟然只有「非常贊成」和「沒意見」兩選項。連這種連參考價值都稱不上的網路票選,國民黨都可以作假。那,國民黨、馬政府的任何民調數據,又有哪個是可以相信的?

聯合報 praised such practice of 票選「十大民怨」:


票選民怨? 綠轟官員像外星人

臺灣新浪網 - ‎8小時之前‎


聯合新聞網 - ‎2009年11月26日‎
從倡議「庶民經濟」到票選「十大民怨」,閣揆吳敦義展現了他接近民意、體貼庶民的一面。但他要求以「票選」方式來排列民怨,並聲稱將編列五千億元「旗艦計畫」來消除民怨,卻有商榷餘地。 主政者有心消除民怨,值得給予肯定,至少這不是一個假議題;比起「正名制 ...

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