Sunday, September 20, 2009

China's world-wide censorship of
The 10 Conditions of Love












地址: 台北市辛亥路一段34巷1號1F / 電話: 0223690794
戶名:台灣青年逆轉本部協會 / 帳號:6211-0202-0353

Friday, September 18, 2009

傅雲欽律師: 藍綠惡鬥 不問是非 真是可惡

Of the brainwashing expressions, one of the worst is 藍綠. 藍綠 gives an impression that the choice between 藍 or 綠 is a matter of choosing a color, when in fact the difference is between evil and human decency, colonizers and brainwashed slaves.

藍綠 gives another illusion that they are comparable in their power. The fact is that KMT owns the judicial system, controls the media, controls the military and school system, has the world largest party asset, the best vote-buying machine, and the support of China.

藍綠 also suggests similar deeds between KMT and DPP. But KMT committed 228 massacre and the ensuing White Terror. So many innocent Taiwanese perished because of KMT. After 228 and White Terror, Taiwanese have been so scared to speak up as to become blind and deaf to injustice, even today. What has DPP done in comparison? It has been fighting KMT to win back our human rights.

藍綠惡鬥? How? Do we call a fight between Nazi and citizens 惡鬥?

I continue to urge Taiwanes to stop saying 綠藍, and instead say 本土/外來, 台灣/中國, 獨立/併吞, 入聯/反入聯, 民主/反民主, 公投/反公投...:

Luby Liao 在 01:49上午 一月 06, 2008 發表 , 文章分類:

李筱峰 is right on when he said: 所謂不分藍綠,其實是不分是非;所謂超越藍綠,其實是賴皮鄉愿,或投機取利 (see 《李筱峰專欄》選藍選綠有何不同?). On that note, I would like to urge Taiwanese to stop saying 綠藍, and instead say 本土/外來, 台灣/中國, 獨立/併吞, 入聯/反入聯, 民主/反民主, 公投/反公投... The difference is not at all what the colors suggest. The difference is that of human decency and evil.

《建國廣場通告》 藍綠惡鬥,不問是非,真是可惡


傅雲欽 (律師 / 建國廣場負責人) 2009.09.18




阿明 shows how 中天 brainwashes Taiwanese

In this video, 阿明 showed how this 中天 reporter asked 吳敦義 totally irrelevant questions and thus avoided asking truly important questions. Are these reporters incompetent, or are they helping to hide KMT's atrocities?

Here is 阿明's comment:

9/17/09 中天新聞 (CTI) makes it seem like the biggest problem with 吳敦義's trip to HK was the he got his fortune told (算命), and they ask about an instance 35 YEARS earlier when he got his fortune told to...

Friday, September 11, 2009

我们中国人 ... 杀过去 灭绝这些低等畜生

I strongly advise against visiting or leaving comments on the following google blog named
fuck taiwanese, uyghur pig and turk pig
I purposely leave out the URL.
Ignore this person, but share his message with all human you know, including and especially Taiwanese.

[URL provided for completeness. Please do not visit.]

杀过去 灭绝这些低等畜生
If you wish to comment, leave your comment at the end of this page.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

馬英九: 公款入私人帳戶 天天說謊 貓纜
吳敦義讚馬英九: 清廉, 人格 與能力

馬英九 清廉, 人格?

How about this man 吳敦義?
  • I called him cancer in 吳敦義:癌.
  • I wrote in 吳敦義/蔣友柏 that this man looks like a Jew who loves Hitler and is capable of justifying anything Hitler does.
We have a most hypocritical and incompetent man Ma Ying-Jeou (馬英九) as president. We have a most hypocritical and incompetent man 吳敦義 as the premier.

For many people the hatred is even more for 吳敦義 because they see him as a Nazi collaborator who never show any moral scruple.

This is what I wrote about this man 吳敦義 in 馬英九:台灣前途「兩岸人民」決定:

Luby Liao 在 08:24下午 五月 26, 2007 發表 , 文章分類:

中國國民黨主席馬英九 2006/02/10 日接受英國BBC廣播公司專訪時表示,兩岸目前沒有談統一的條件,應待時機成熟後再由「兩岸人民」決定 (東森新聞報). But now, 國民黨秘書長吳敦義認為,馬英九贏2008的最大策略,就是靠他的 清廉、人格 與能力。但他也不忘拿出黨章修正草案中「以台灣為主,對人民有利」的十字真言,強調馬所有政見,都會依循此一主軸發展。(馬深耕中南部)

Hello, are not 兩岸人民決定 and 以台灣為主,對人民有利 self contradicting? Are not
清廉、人格 and double-speak self-contradicting?

Monday, September 7, 2009

CBS 60-minutes: Chernobyl of E-waste - the town of Guiyu (貴嶼鎮)

Watch CBS Videos Online

Aug. 30, 2009

Following The Trail Of Toxic E-Waste

60 Minutes Follows America's Toxic Electronic Waste As It Is Illegally Shipped To Become China's Dirty Secret

(CBS) This story was first published on Nov. 9, 2008. It was updated on Aug. 27, 2009.

60 Minutes is going to take you to one of the most toxic places on Earth -- a place that government officials and gangsters don't want you to see. It's a town in China where you can't breathe the air or drink the water, a town where the blood of the children is laced with lead. It's worth risking a visit because, as correspondent Scott Pelley first reported last November, much of the poison is coming out of the homes, schools and offices of America.

This is a story about recycling - about how your best intentions to be green can be channeled into an underground sewer that flows from the United States and into the wasteland.

That wasteland is piled with the burning remains of some of the most expensive, sophisticated stuff that consumers crave. And 60 Minutes and correspondent Scott Pelley discovered that the gangs who run this place wanted to keep it a secret.

What are they hiding? The answer lies in the first law of the digital age: newer is better. In with the next thing, and out with the old TV, phone or computer. All of this becomes obsolete, electronic garbage called "e-waste."

Computers may seem like sleek, high-tech marvels. But what’s inside them?

"Lead, cadmium, mercury, chromium, polyvinyl chlorides. All of these materials have known toxicological effects that range from brain damage to kidney disease to mutations, cancers," Allen Hershkowitz, a senior scientist and authority on waste management at the Natural Resources Defense Council, explained.

"The problem with e-waste is that it is the fastest-growing component of the municipal waste stream worldwide," he said.

Asked what he meant by "fastest-growing," Hershkowitz said. "Well, we throw out about 130,000 computers every day in the United States."

And he said over 100 million cell phones are thrown out annually.

At a recycling event in Denver, 60 Minutes found cars bumper-to-bumper for blocks, in a line that lasted for hours. They were there to drop off their computers, PDAs, TVs and other electronic waste.

Asked what he thought happens once his e-waste goes into recycling, one man told Pelley, "Well my assumption is they break it apart and take all the heavy metals and out and then try to recycle some of the stuff that's bad."

Most folks in line were hoping to do the right thing, expecting that their waste would be recycled in state-of-the-art facilities that exist here in America. But really, there's no way for them to know where all of this is going. The recycling industry is exploding and, as it turns out, some so-called recyclers are shipping the waste overseas, where it's broken down for the precious metals inside.

Executive Recycling, of Englewood, Colo., which ran the Denver event, promised the public on its Web site: "Your e-waste is recycled properly, right here in the U.S. - not simply dumped on somebody else."

That policy helped Brandon Richter, the CEO of Executive Recycling, win a contract with the city of Denver and expand operations into three western states.

Asked what the problem is with shipping this waste overseas, Richter told Pelley, "Well, you know, they've got low-income labor over there. So obviously they don't have all of the right materials, the safety equipment to handle some of this material."

Executive does recycling in-house, but 60 Minutes was curious about shipping containers that were leaving its Colorado yard. 60 Minutes found one container filled with monitors. They're especially hazardous because each picture tube, called a cathode ray tube or CRT, contains several pounds of lead. It's against U.S. law to ship them overseas without special permission. 60 Minutes took down the container's number and followed it to Tacoma, Wash., where it was loaded on a ship.

When the container left Tacoma, 60 Minutes followed it for 7,459 miles to Victoria Harbor, Hong Kong.

It turns out the container that started in Denver was just one of thousands of containers on an underground, often illegal smuggling route, taking America's electronic trash to the Far East.

Our guide to that route was Jim Puckett, founder of the Basel Action Network, a watchdog group named for the treaty that is supposed to stop rich countries from dumping toxic waste on poor ones. Puckett runs a program to certify ethical recyclers. And he showed 60 Minutes what's piling up in Hong Kong.

"It's literally acres of computer monitors," Pelley commented. "Is it legal to import all of these computer monitors into Hong Kong?"

"No way. It is absolutely illegal, both from the standpoint of Hong Kong law but also U.S. law and Chinese law. But it's happening," Puckett said. 2 ...

Taiwanese take note:
7,000 CCPs deployed to Urumqi (烏魯木齊)

I will comment on this BBC report inline. My comments will be indented. All colored and/or enlarged emphases are mine.

Harmony plan for restive Urumqi

By Quentin Sommerville
BBC News, Beijing

Chinese paramilitary police patrol central Urumqi on 7/10/09
Tensions remain high on the streets of Urumqi

Some 7,000 Communist Party members are to be deployed in the western Chinese city of Urumqi, state media say.

Will Taiwanese welcome deployment of 7,000 PLAs or CCPs to Taiwan?

The move is an attempt to reassure residents and ease ethnic tensions in the city, Xinhua news agency reports.

The officials will have face-to-face meetings with residents to explain government policies.

More than 200 people, mostly Han, were killed in rioting in Xinjiang in July. A recent spate of stabbings with hypodermic needles also raised tension.

Tens of thousands of Han Chinese protested in Urumqi last week over the stabbings.

The government says the attacks were part of a plot by separatist forces to inflame ethnic tensions between Han Chinese and the mainly Muslim, Uighur population.

East Turkistan is not part of China just like China is not part of Japan. Uighurs are not Chinese separatists just as Chinese are not Japanese separatists. Taiwanese need to stand up and condemn such terms as Taiwanese separatists.

"It is ethnic separatists who are creating an atmosphere of terror, undermining national unity, and are disturbing social order," regional party secretary Wang Lequan told a meeting on Sunday.

Close ally

Xinjiang is one of the most heavily controlled parts of China.

Large numbers of Han Chinese have migrated there,

Taiwanese, take note. Do you want this to happen to Taiwan? But it is already happening. Speak up today to stop it!
and local Uighurs complain that they have become second class citizens, losing out on the best jobs.

Isn't that Taiwan? Why is Taiwanese language not used on TV programs? Why do 15% of the Chinese in Taipei population get the best of the jobs?

Many Uighurs say discrimination and growing unemployment are to blame for the unrest.

In Taiwan, discrimination is not only tolerated, it is publicly promoted with such brand names as 18% and 郭冠英/范蘭欽.

But Beijing, which prides itself on firmly maintaining social stability across China, says the riots were instigated by outsiders.

Similar arguments were made after rioting in neighbouring Tibet in 2008. Then as now, China provided no concrete evidence that foreign forces were behind the unrest.

In a rare move, two of Urumqi's leading officials were sacked at the weekend.

Some protestors have also called on the long-serving Mr Wang to step down, but that seems unlikely.

He has been party secretary of the region since 1994 and serves on the country's ruling Politburo.

He is thought to be a close political ally of President Hu Jintao.

The 7,000-strong taskforce "will make it clear that the party and government are capable of punishing criminals", Xinhua said, attributing the remarks to Mr Wang.

"They will enhance people's sense of security, to help the public stay cool headed, so as to not be easily swayed by people with ulterior motives."

Sunday, September 6, 2009

葉武台: to lie is to breathe
李南橋: to breathe is to lie
馬英九: Lie Breathe Lie Breathe Lie

Why did Taiwanese elect a president who lies as naturally as he breathes?
  1. Because they are dumb. They could not tell right from wrong.
  2. Because Taiwanese don't think lying is a big thing. So what if he lies? For many females, the important thing was a good-looking person to shriek hysterically when he appears on TV (2009-04-19: 偶像一樣瘋狂尖叫). For others, the important thing is to eat rice and Ma promised a lot of rice.
  3. Because many are not voting for a president during that election. Some were gambling heavily (and campaigning for Ma) because the media predicted a big win for Ma (Ma: 90%, Hsieh: 9%). Some are voting for 18%. Aborigines voted for Ma because, before going to the voting booth, they drank a few bottles of rice wine that the village elder passed along.
  4. All the above.
A Google Search on 馬英九 說謊 showed 195,000 results. The firs 29 results are shown below. To make sure that such records live eternally, I could create a simple database application that allows the whole world to add Ma's lies to a repository. Leave me a comment if you are interested.

  1. News results for 馬英九 說謊聽奧 聽見馬英九又在說謊‎ - 1 day ago
    九月二日,馬英九為台北聽奧的台灣代表團授旗,會中他強調:某天,紀政打電話給他詢問爭辦聽奧的意願,他一口就答應。這段話,正好凸顯馬英九習慣說謊與居功諉過的本質 ...自由時報 - 2 related articles »
    馬 小九部落格- 馬英九說謊被抓包!!! - [ Translate this page ]2007年8月10日 ... 馬英九特別費案今天第十一度開庭並將辯論終結,法官訊問馬英九,過去是否知道以領據核銷的特別費須因公支用?馬英九表示,本案調查前,不知道全部都須 ... - Cached - Similar - 聽見馬英九又在說謊- 談天說地- Sina BBS - Powered by Discuz! - [ Translate this page ]1 post - 1 author - Last post: 2 days agoSina BBS ◎ 許建榮九月二日,馬英九為台北聽奧的台灣代表團授旗,會中他強調:某天,紀政打電話給他詢問爭辦聽奧的意願,他一口就答應。 - Similar -
  2. 聽奧聽見馬英九又在說謊- 金行者我帶著橄欖枝和自由戰士的槍來到這裡請 ...

    - [ Translate this page ]
    2009年9月6日 ... 九月二日,馬英九為台北聽奧的台灣代表團授旗,會中他強調:某天,紀政打電話給他詢問爭辦聽奧的意願,他一口就答應。這段話,正好凸顯馬英九習慣說謊 ... - 5 hours ago - Similar -
  3. AW55's Blog: 葉公超證明馬英九說謊

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    不曉得是不是哈佛暗通消息,故馬英九令總統府展出「中日和約」,聽說還要擺上當年雙方簽約代表葉公超和河田烈的蠟像。但馬英九萬萬沒想到,葉公超正是證明他說謊的人。 ... - Cached - Similar -
  4. 酥餅的BLOG:馬英九說謊了- 樂多日誌

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    不是只有馬英九喜歡說謊.而是中國人說謊成性. 說謊不會臉紅的.中國人不是也說照顧台灣的醫療嗎?比照一下中國官員和在台灣的中國人說謊都不用打草稿. 也不會臉紅氣喘. ... - Cached - Similar -
  5. YouTube - 說謊常業犯-中國台北總統馬英九選前說:絕不兼黨主席

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    馬英九曾拜訪微軟公司,要求正名「繁體」中文為「正體」中文。此外,他更在二○○四年底「漢字文化節」中呼籲大家使用正體字,不分藍綠統獨維護此人類資產。 - Cached - Similar -
  6. 八八水災/【馬英九一直在說謊】拒援公文曝光!歡迎各國援助都是假的 ...

    2009年8月14日 ... 主题:八八水災/【馬英九一直在說謊】拒援公文曝光!歡迎各國援助都是假的(2张图) [博讯论坛] 八八水災/拒援公文曝光!民進黨:外交部憑什麼拒外援 ... - Cached - Similar -
  7. 中國評論新聞:綠民代發行光碟指馬說謊馬英九:提告

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    羅智強又說,馬英九在台北市議會、檢察官偵訊,乃至於在法庭裡的陳述都是一致的,顏聖冠“說謊”的指控已經涉及誹謗,馬英九將會委請律師提告。 ... - Cached - Similar -
  8. 中時部落格|羅珮瑩的部落格|馬英九到底有沒有說謊

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    2009年8月2日 ... 中時部落格創設於2005年3月,前身為中時電子報「編輯部落格」,是台灣媒體最早設立的部落格平台。首創的「全球華文部落格大獎」,一直是台灣最重要的 ... - Cached - Similar -
  9. 抗議"馬英九說謊濫權,警察暴力迫害人民"記者會- TaiwanYes

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    2008年11月7日 ... 海外台灣人團體抗議馬英九說謊濫權,警察暴力迫害人民記者會對於台灣的暴警暴力逼迫人民攻打手無寸鐵的台灣人民我們要給與最嚴厲的譴責對於馬英九一再 ... - Similar -

  10. 中國評論新聞:綠民代發行光碟指馬說謊馬英九:提告

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    羅智強又說,馬英九在台北市議會、檢察官偵訊,乃至於在法庭裡的陳述都是一致的,顏聖冠“說謊”的指控已經涉及誹謗,馬英九將會委請律師提告。 ... - Cached - Similar -
  11. 酥餅的BLOG:馬英九的綠卡凸顯的是其說謊成性的本質- 樂多日誌

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    馬英九說謊成性光是在我這個小小的部落格中有紀錄的就已經罄竹難書,所以馬英九針對綠卡又說謊了,而且是一謊未平一謊又起對我來講也不是什麼大新聞,開個欄讓大家針對 ... - Cached - Similar -
  12. [Blog精選,Blog精選] 六月份無恥馬英九說謊記實(twnathan-台灣奶神 ...

    - [ Translate this page ]
    2009年6月16日 ... 六月份無恥馬英九說謊記實. 台灣奶神. 2009/06/15. 選前 馬英九:專心國政若當總統絕不兼黨主席(20071003) 國民黨總統參選人馬英九今天明確表示,雖然 ...,detail,22186&target... - Cached - Similar -
  13. 自由電子報- 葉公超證明馬英九說謊

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    2009年2月3日 ... 葉公超證明馬英九說謊. ◎ 沈建德. 「台灣是誰的?」是台海爭議所在。馬英九一上台立即承認台灣是中國的,他說一九四三年的開羅宣言已把台灣歸還中華 ... - Cached - Similar -
  14. twnathan-台灣奶神: 六月份無恥馬英九說謊記實

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    2009年6月15日 ... 六月份無恥馬英九說謊記實. 選前 馬英九:專心國政若當總統絕不兼黨主席(20071003) 國民黨總統參選人馬英九今天明確表示,雖然國民黨沒有特別規定總統 ... - Cached - Similar -
  15. 說謊成性的馬英九注定再次對不起小林村民! - 【台灣人正義團結聯盟 ...

    - [ Translate this page ]
    2009年8月21日 ... 說謊成性的馬英九注定再次對不起小林村民! 在小林村被大規模掩沒之後的12天,馬總統終於面對了小林村民,並承諾了一些事情;遭逢如此人間悲劇的 ... - Cached - Similar -
  16. 馬英九說謊紀錄@ 關心時局:: Xuite日誌

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    2009年7月29日 ... 馬英九一路說謊,竟然還能當總統,實在是台灣的奇蹟。讓我們一起來統計他的說謊紀錄:. ○ 我們家沒有人有綠卡!(二個女兒是美國公民,馬英九... - Cached - Similar -
  17. 北京操控馬英九說謊港府難堪

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    2005年1月7日 ... (大紀元記者王珍綜合報導) 台北市長馬英九原定於出席香港大學一場學術講座,因港府拒發簽證而取消行程。最新一期的亞洲週刊披露,香港特首董建華曾派 ... - Cached - Similar -
  18. 政府拒援還說謊| 頭條要聞| 蘋果日報| 20090814 | 昔日新聞| 壹蘋果網絡

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    2009年8月14日 ... 藍委呂學樟批評:「外交部白目在前、說謊在後,不可原諒。 ... 對媒體昨報導馬政府婉拒外援,馬英九總統昨南下勘災時強調,台灣從未拒絕國外援助; ... - Similar -
  19. 認識馬英九/Lie

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    馬迷婦女不在乎馬英九為了綠卡問題被質疑而說謊,帥就好! ..... 馬英九說謊到底屬於心理學上所謂「拿走生活上的謊言,等於是帶走快樂」(易卜生),還是為了 ... - Cached - Similar -

  20. 政治乃眾人之事- 馬英九在CNN 說謊卸責

    - [ Translate this page ]
    2009年8月14日 ... 說謊成性的告(狗)政府 · 馬英九在CNN 說謊卸責 · 屏東災區物資需求 · 台南縣救災資訊 · 馬英九南部人會永遠記住你如何處理莫拉克風災 ... - Cached - Similar -
  21. 聽奧聽見馬英九又在說謊~~引用- 地圖日記

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    2009年9月6日 ... 聽奧聽見馬英九又在說謊(自由廣場20090906) ◎ 許建榮九月二日,馬英九為台北聽奧的台灣代表團授旗,會中他強調:某天,紀政打電話給他詢問爭辦聽奧 ... - 20 hours ago - Similar -
  22. 南方論壇:: 觀看文章- AK如何分辨馬英九說謊.

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    為什麼馬英九過去在拜訪客家大老鍾肇政時,無論鍾老是否早已知道「中國人」喜歡「說謊、造假與鬼扯」的習性,但鍾肇政卻仍然不忘在送客時,刻意送給馬英九這麼 ... - Cached - Similar -
  23. 新台灣新聞週刊- 北市適合居住? 馬英九公然說謊

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    選前兩個月,馬英九再度對媒體說謊表示,「一九九六年台北市排名第十一名,一九九七年進步到第十名,一九九八年進步到第五名,得分為六十九分,這是陳前市長任內的成績 ... - Cached - Similar -
  24. 綠色和平台灣文化廣播電台- 顏聖冠揭發馬英九說謊A公款影音檔

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    發表者Administrator. 2007/09/07, 週五. 台北市議員顏聖冠揭發馬英九說謊A公款CD 全長28:55 ... 隔年侯寬仁檢察官依法起訴馬英九,但法院居然判處馬英九無罪。 ... - Cached - Similar -
  25. 葉公超證明馬英九說謊-騙術與馬屁-新浪部落

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    2009年2月3日 ... 葉公超證明馬英九說謊 「台灣是誰的?」是台海爭議所在。 葉公超證明馬英九說謊. ◎ 沈建德. 「台灣是誰的?」是台海爭議所在。馬英九一上台立即承認 ... - Cached - Similar -
  26. 又在說謊馬英九- 周美青曾「數次出售所持股份」??!! @ 淡淡的 ...

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    綠卡危機延燒五天,國民黨四巨頭一月卅一日舉行早餐會,共商對策,馬英九在會中承認團隊反應不夠迅速,未來選戰節奏加強。定調後,馬營除拿出資料說明綠卡事件,更在 ... - Cached - Similar -
  27. 中時部落格-羅珮瑩的部落格-馬英九到底有沒有說謊

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    2009年8月2日 ... 我又不是馬的發言人,連馬迷都不是。不過既然前文《馬英九的「謊言」疑雲之邏輯 》已經談過這個問題,索性再來分析一下。認為他說謊的人日前又找到 ... - Cached - Similar -
  28. yam 天空部落-影音分享-看馬英九如何說謊--民視

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    馬英九如何說謊--民視. longstaygy 在天空部落 發表於2007-08-28 11:33:06 留言(2) | 人氣(121) | 轉寄 | 檢舉. 留言(2筆). 發表你的留言. 私密留言: ... - Cached - Similar -
  29. 中山美麗之島/ 精華區/ dpp / 馬英九一再說謊是對民主政治最負面的示範

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    彭天豪指出,李應元競選市長辦公室原本不願對AsiaWeek的「亞洲最宜人居住城市」評比大作文章,然而馬英九卻一再公然說謊,除一再向媒體說明其政績超越陳水扁外,甚至在 ... - Cached - Similar -

Genocide in East Turkistan (新疆): Where do Uighurs all go?

This is a report written by Dr. Susie Hsieh about her trip to Urumqi. Dr. Hsieh is a professor of International law.

I was in Urumqi just before the current Uighurs riot. In fact, as soon as I left, the Uighurs took their brave hearts to the street. Wish I were still there when it happened. Even with my former students in East Turkistan, they could not have enough intelligence to alert me for staying longer. Such was my poor luck.

With over 2 million population in Urumqi, I could hardly spot any Uighurs in town except few, cleaning toilets (if there is any) and streets. I wanted to interview them about human rights issues. Yet, everywhere is Han Chinese, overpowering the entire political, economical, legal, military life in East Turkistan.

Thus, I decided to have "foot massage" to see if I could bump into Uighurs working. I did not have overwhelming courage for regular massage, but foot massage was good choice. Certainly, I would find some Uighurs I like to meet.

Well, well, no single soul from the Uighurs in the massage parlor. I
discovered myself wrong as massage is a rather lucrative profession in developng as well as developed country. The Uighurs are almost outcast in Han's society. How could they be there? All the young men and women in the parlor were from mountains in Shu-Chuan in the far away south. The girl served me was so young that one would almost consider her teenager. Her name was Yin-Yin. I paid the front desk RMB98.00 (about US$14.00) for masssage for an hour and half. Actual time was only about an hour though.

I asked Yin-Yin how much she got from the RMB98.00 I paid.
"RMB10.00 (about US$1.40)," said she, delightfully.

"Where do you live?"

"Share a little, crowded room provided by the boss with many girls working here."

"Do you have to pay for room?"
"Yes, we need to pay for room and board (meals)."

Imagine that the person who actually does the labor and service receives only one tenth of the pay from customer, minus room and board. I can see that the Chinese Communists are more capitalist than their long time counterparts in the West.

One more thing: I noticed there were no others giving tip except me. My tip of RMB10.00 was "very generous to Yin-Yin," I was told.

Hundreds of young Uighurs have been executed by Chinese regime without justice. This information was from my former graduate students and colleagues in East Turkistan "under the table." No wonder the Uighurs fight against the foreigners, Chinese, on their territory. Shalom!

Susie S. Hsieh, LL.B., Ph.D.
Professor of International law

Another opportunity for Chinese in Taiwan to protest

Chinese in Taiwan had a field day protesting Dalai's visit to Taiwan, chanting
go away , we don't need you. We are busy cleaning up the mess, we don't need you to mess up with our work and busy schedule.
Now, Cardinal Paul Josef Cordes, an envoy of Pope Benedict XVI from the Holy See, arrived in Taiwan's southern county of Kaohsiung yesterday to pray for Typhoon Morakot's victims

Chinese in Taiwan should protest with the same reason and vigor. And the Taiwan reporters will again portray them as heroes fighting for Chinese dignity and justice.

Support of Tibetan genocide and
persecution of Dalai Lama
among Chinese in Taiwan [Videos]

We need to confront these Chinese in Taiwan with the following simple questions:
  • Do you support Tibetan genocide [perhaps because you consider it a domestic affair and other nations should just back off]?
  • What evil has Dalai Lama done and what lies has he told to deserve your insult? Why not protest against Ma's evil-doings and lies?
  • What are so wrong about all people (except Chinese) who see in Dalai a peaceful and virtuous person?
In this collection of videos, these Chinese in Taiwan show their support of Tibetan genocide and persecution of Dalai without being challenged with the above questions. Real reporters must ask hard questions. Taiwan reporters don't. They instead tried to create illusions that 200 such Chinese showed up when there were 20. Miraculously, these reporters also became completely blind to the 10,000 worshipers on site, perhaps because they were too peaceful.

If you wish to contribute a video, please leave a comment.
  1. 中国中央电视台 and 盧秀芳: [新闻1+1]达赖访台,天灾之后再添人祸?(2009.08.31)

  2. 阿明: TVBS distorts news about 達賴喇嘛

Saturday, September 5, 2009

CNN reporter: uncover truth
Taiwan reporter: cover up KMT's atrocities

The following two videos show a very good picture of what Taiwan reporters are like: They are not interested in uncovering truth. Just the opposite, they cover up KMT's atrocities.
  1. Video one: 盧秀芳 attacked the CNN anchor woman who reported on Ma's incompetence as impolite and undiplomatic. In the same spirit, 盧秀芳 would criticize foreign press' report of Tibetan genocide as impolite and undiplomatic, and an interference with China's internal affair. She is not interested in reporting genocide. She is more interested in defending it or to cover it up. 盧秀芳s of Taiwan are not the least bit interested in reporting truth about Ma. In what sense are they reporters? Do you find any similarities between 盧秀芳s of Taiwan and foreign correspondents who asked Ma pointed questions at Typhoon Morakot press conference?

  2. Video two: 記者小朋友說: 在這裡不可以說不喜歡周美青. To me, this person is a criminal brainwasher and not a reporter in the western sense of words. So successful is such brainwashing that a comment on this person is 記者有點白目. I would not call CCP's People's Daily 白目. I would not say the East Turkistan genocide is 白目. To say 記者有點白目 shows we don't see the seriousness of the matter: that our reporters are not uncovering truth; they are covering up atrocities.