Monday, November 22, 2010

表面上: 中央通訊社是 全民買單的 中華民國國家通訊社
實際上: 它是 中國國民黨不用付費的 中國國民黨通訊社 IV


如此墮落的中央社 方齋

美國「自由之家」(Freedom House)研究部主任華克(Christopher Walker)十一月十四日應美國福爾摩莎基金會之邀,在洛杉磯向華文媒體簡報「自由之家」所做的「2010年世界自由報告」。
這場記者會之後,中央社發出一則標題為「扁案定讞 自由之家讚體制強化」的新聞稿,撰稿的記者是江今葉小姐。
當天在記者會上除了媒體記者之外,也有在南加州執業的律師、在大學任教的教授、以及航太、工程博士以及福爾摩莎基金會執行長Terri Giles等人在場。筆者當天為了慎重,也特地將華克先生記者會全程錄影並上載到YouTube (。會後們問了多位與會的人士,沒有一個人聽到華克說出那樣的話!
相 反的,華克說,亞洲國家的民主程度低於全球的平均,雖然他們是朝著民主的方向前進,但很多國家面對公平執法與言論自由的質疑,而且只有百分之五的亞洲人民 享有自由媒體,有的國家在過去幾年經濟成長,但政治還是不民主,即使是民主國家,如台灣、南韓、印度。在人民的自由權上還是面對挑戰。

Wednesday, October 6, 2010



華夏經緯網 12月13日 訊:據台灣媒體報道,國民黨主席吳伯雄昨天說,陳水扁為了讓民進黨勝選,連日來的行徑已陷入瘋狂,可見陳水扁不但要“公投綁大選”,更要“公投毀 ...

In total, 155 measures are on the ballots in 36 states, a number roughly unchanged from previous years.

紐約時報: Voters Face Decisions on a Mix of Issues

The nation’s job woes may be the determining factor in which party controls Congress, but voters across the country will also have the chance to weigh in directly — through ballot initiatives — on some of the other contentious issues that have made cameo turns in the spotlight this year.

In Oklahoma, the ballot will feature a measure to ban state judges from using Islamic law, called Sharia, in court decisions, even though it has never happened. In Washington, voters will address an issue similar to one Republicans successfully kept from coming to a vote in the United States Senate: a proposed tax increase for the rich.
Voters in three states will have the opportunity to take a largely symbolic stand against the federal health care law approved this year by declaring that individuals or business cannot be compelled to buy health insurance. And in Colorado, leaders of all political persuasions are joining to urge voters to reject three tax initiatives they say would drive the state to fiscal calamity.
In total, 155 measures are on the ballots in 36 states, a number roughly unchanged from previous years. While lacking the thematic cohesion of years past — when states around the country simultaneously weighed in on issues like abortion, same-sex marriage or eminent domain — this year’s raft of initiatives, referendums and propositions nonetheless capture the political spirit of the season.
Perennially divisive issues are back: Colorado voters will decide whether to define human life as beginning at fertilization; Oklahoma voters will decide whether to make English the official state language; and, in perhaps the nation’s most closely watched referendum, California voters will decide whether to allow the sale of marijuana for recreational use.
But most of the measures to be decided on Election Day are routine housekeeping: fiscal proposals — like bond requests, property tax exemptions and licensing fees — that capture the constant ideological tug of war of taxing and spending.
“What it feels like is that the state legislatures are really fixated on the routine budgetary stuff, trying to keep their ships afloat,” said John G. Matsusaka, president of the Initiative and Referendum Institute at the University of Southern California. “The ballot propositions seem to have become an outlet for all the other issues that the legislators don’t have the time to deal with right now.”
Government spending is at the heart of the three ballot measures in Arizona, Colorado and Oklahoma — which, along with California, have the longest and most controversial lineup of ballot measures this year — that aim to nullify President Obama’s signature health care legislation. The measures, which are similar to one overwhelmingly approved by voters in Missouri this summer and approved legislatively in five other states, would establish that individuals or business cannot be compelled to buy health insurance or pay a tax penalty. The effect, however, is uncertain, given that the requirement does not become effective until 2014 and is already the subject of lawsuits.
The proposed constitutional ban on judges’ using international law in general — and Sharia law in particular — in Oklahoma has caused local Muslim leaders to complain that the state legislators behind the proposal were “riding a wave” of anti-Islamic sentiment across the nation, citing the controversy over burning Korans and protest over mosques elsewhere. “Sharia law is not a threat to anyone, I don’t care where you live,“ said Saad Mohammed, a director at the Islamic Society of Greater Oklahoma City. “Bigotry and prejudice is driving this.”
State Representative Rex Duncan, who is chairman of the state judiciary panel and the lead sponsor of the measure, said he knew of no judge ever citing Sharia law in a ruling in Oklahoma and could point to only one case in the country where the law had been cited. (In that case, a Family Court judge in New Jersey cited a man’s Islamic faith in denying a restraining order to a woman who said she had been raped by her husband. The ruling was overturned by a higher court.) But Mr. Duncan said the measure was “a pre-emptive strike.”
Newt Gingrich, the former House speaker, has called for a similar federal law, and Mr. Duncan said he had received inquiries from legislators in a dozen other states who expressed interest in adopting a similar ban.
The political rhetoric has grown particularly heated in Colorado, where Republican and Democratic politicians as well as labor and business groups have united to warn that the passage of three tax-cutting measures — dubbed the “ugly three” by opponents — would lead to such fiscal disaster that governing the state would be “nearly impossible.” They cite official state analysis that concluded that the budget would be cut by a quarter and the state would also be prohibited from taking on debt, preventing large capital projects.
“I’ve never seen a fiscal impact comparable to what would happen if all three of these were to pass,“ said Jennie D. Bowser, who studies ballot initiatives for the National Conference of State Legislatures.
The Washington initiative would create the state’s first income tax, exclusively on individuals who earn more than $200,000 — the same figure favored by President Obama, who has proposed extending tax cuts for individuals making less than that amount but allowing taxes to rise for those making more. (The tax rate would be 5 percent and increase to 9 percent for those making more than $500,000.)
The debate follows the national framing. Supporters say that the tax is needed to continue paying for services (it would be devoted to education and health care) and would affect only a tiny fraction of people while allowing taxes to be cut for everybody else. Critics say the increase would discourage business investment and prolong the recession, questioning whether politicians can be trusted with greater access to taxpayer money.
As with all state initiatives, the back and forth features a local flavor. The pro-tax effort is being led by Bill Gates Sr. and endorsed by his son, the Microsoft founder; the anti-tax effort is being supported by the current head of Microsoft, Steve Ballmer.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

為什麼聯合中時從兩大報淪為兩微報? A hint:
聯合民調: 朱立倫45%蔡英文28%

聯合民調 太保守了.
朱立倫 3,000,000,000,000,000,000,000%
蔡英文 0.228%

聯合民調:新北市選情 朱立倫45%蔡英文28%

  • 2010-09-30
  • 新聞速報
  • 【中廣新聞/陶泰山】
影音》最新民調!朱立倫45% 蔡英文28%
影音》最新民調!朱立倫45% 蔡英文28%


Thursday, September 16, 2010


中華保釣協會不代表台灣人.  These people can  do whatever they like, but I don't want them to spend my money, and I don't want others to think they represent me.

I protest to The Daily Yomiuri for calling these two 中華 persons Taiwanese activists, and to RTT News for stating
More than 80 Taiwanese protested outside the Japanese trade office
Are 中華 people in Taiwan Taiwanese?   I know 星雲和尙, 郭冠英, 和 馬英九 are not.  Would anyone call 中華愛國同心會 people Taiwanese?


中時電子報 - 2 天前
昨晚兩人返抵野柳漁港,對海巡署派出十二艘大、小船艦全程護送仍遭驅趕大表不滿, ...中華保釣協會領軍出發的保釣漁船感恩九九,13號下午出發前往釣魚台宣示主權, ...

Taiwan activists enter Japan's contiguous zone

The Daily Yomiuri - ‎2010年9月14日‎
A Taiwan fishing boat carrying two protesters entered Japan's contiguous zone near the Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea early Tuesday, in what appeared ...

Anti-Japan Protests In Taiwan

RTT News
(RTTNews) - More than 80 Taiwanese protested outside the Japanese trade office--serving as its de facto embassy--in Taipei over an incident at one of the ...

Friday, July 16, 2010

表面上: 中央通訊社是 全民買單的 中華民國國家通訊社
實際上: 它是 中國國民黨不用付費的 中國國民黨通訊社 III

Taiwan's national news agency accused of differential treatment

Taiwan News, Staff Writer
2010-07-16 11:10 AM

+ Enlarge This image
Central News Agency

+ Enlarge This image
Central News Agency
The Central News Agency (CAN), as a national news agency, has violated administrative neutrality by covering too much reports concerning campaign trails of Eric Chu, the ruling KMT candidate for the newly upgrade Xinbei in its news production, noted Kuan Bi-ling, a legislator of the opposition DPP, according to Liberty Times reports.Nearly all of Chu’s public events are reported by CNA including even trivial things like taking a bus and buying breakfast. These reports can amount to enough materials for a travel blog, said Lee Kun-cheng, DPP’s candidate for Xinbei’s councilor election at a joint press conference with Kuan yesterday.
80 % of the respondents in the poll conducted by the Yahoo fell boring and angry concerning the news about Chu’s breakfast. The CNA should not be campaign tool for any specific candidate, said Lee.

Responding to the accusation, the CNA noted that the news agency always puts all news on an equal footing and will never have differential treatment for specific figures.

Lo Kuang-jen, director of personnel administration in the CNA, noted that the news agency also have reports about Tsai Ing-wen, DPP candidate for Xinbei City mayor, and Su Tseng-chang in Taipei City, since these politicians are all highlights in their daily reports.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

表面上: 中央通訊社是 全民買單的 中華民國國家通訊社
實際上: 它是 中國國民黨不付費的 中國國民黨通訊社 II

這篇 中央社記者李淑華的著作 用蔡英文指 馬政府封殺全民公投權利(? 真的嗎?)  作引子, 來替中國國民黨做政策宣導.  在這文章裹, 中國國民黨文傳會主委蘇俊賓得100分, 蔡英文零分.  爲什麼?  因為蘇俊賓欲言, 相對地蔡英文完全不知道怎麼答覆.      李淑華的著作 提供了一個不公平, 不平衡的寫作 的好例子.

(中央社記者李淑華台北27日電)民進黨主席蔡英文指馬政府封殺全民公投權利,國民黨文傳會主委 蘇俊賓今天表示,公投是人民的權利,從未反對,蔡英文的說法顛倒是非,令人遺憾。


針對綠營高喊「棄馬保台」,蘇俊賓指出,民進黨執政8年以口號治國,貪汙腐敗,如今在野仍不改吹噓、膨風,繼續以不實言論混淆視聽,甚至恐嚇人民,對照馬 政府的清廉執政,以務實態度實施各項政策,如今有了具體的成效,不僅台灣競爭力提升,更促進兩岸和平發展,符合多數人民的期待。


他強調,政府簽署ECFA是基於「以台灣為主,對人民有利」原則。如今談判結果已完全公開,也多獲各界肯定,後續的配套措施政府也做足了充分準備,民進黨 立法委員多次杯葛,不聽取行政單位對於ECFA的相關報告,是怠忽職守、不負責任。

此外,對於蔡英文表示,ECFA利益都被大財團吃掉了,前總統李登輝指稱,「中國說要給台灣讓利都是假的,都是讓給台灣的大財團,不是讓給勞工,中小企 業。」蘇俊賓反駁說,ECFA到底是財團獲利,還是中小企業、勞工、農漁民獲利?質疑的人應該問問這539項早收清單的產業代表和衛星工廠,以及養殖石斑 魚、種植茶葉、柳丁的農漁民。

他指出,李登輝在任內開放479項大陸農產品進口,前總統陳水扁任內開放936項,但馬政府執政至今1項都沒有開放,「如果以民進黨的標準,請問是誰在出 賣台灣?又是誰忽視農民權益?」


蘇俊賓表示,簽署ECFA台灣才能與世界競爭,產業才得以生存,人民才有工作,希望民進黨不要為反對而反對,應停止散播不切實際的負面信息恐嚇人民。 990627 

Saturday, June 26, 2010

表面上: 中央通訊社是 全民買單的 中華民國國家通訊社
實際上: 它是 中國國民黨不用付費的 中國國民黨通訊社


財團法人中央通訊社(Central News Agency),簡稱中央社(CNA),為中華民國的國家通訊社。中央社即時新聞網站提供台灣即時新聞、兩岸、國際、財經商情、運動、科技、...
中華民國的國家通訊社的 中央社 的經費是全體人民支付的.  中央社不是中國國民黨的機關.   中國國民黨不負擔它的任何運作經費.   那麼中央社怎麼明目張膽地為中國國民黨做文宣?  它打著國家通訊社的招牌, 花全民的錢, 來打擊中國國民黨競爭對手民進黨及其他人民.   

作為國家通訊社的中央社,是台灣連結世界最重要的新聞平台,中央社秉持「正確、領先、客觀、詳實」的新聞 專業,每日提供約1,600則的新聞資訊,為國內外媒體提供提最新、最快也最豐富完整的國際及國內新聞訊息服務。...
下面這篇中央社記者溫貴香的著作, 用最最低的標準來看都不是 客觀的新聞, 專業的報導.  舉一個例子, 她說:
... 事實上,民進黨內對ECFA議題的操作 ...
她如何能夠認定民進黨在操弄 ECFA 議題? 
她如何佐證 「事實」?  她的文章沒有提出任何佐證!

中央社記者溫貴香的著作平衡 (balanced) 嗎? 
所以,  「反對一中市場,人民公投作主」,  都是民進黨操弄.   人民都支持中國國民黨 反公投 反民意 來硬幹 簽ECFA.   幾十萬人民冒着熱天氣, 風雨, 走上街頭 在她的文章裹都不值一提,  都是民進黨的操弄.  她對中國國民黨永遠剝奪人民的公投杈一字不提. 

這麼明顯地不平衡, 她可能客觀嗎? 
中央社: 反ECFA遊行 綠蓄積選戰能量







ECFA的複雜性與專業度高,民進黨很難在短時間內解釋清楚,加上黨內在這個議題上,隱然已產生內部矛盾。面對年底5都選戰,民進黨接下來如何處理 ECFA議題,備受矚目。990626

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Concord voters banned sale of water in plastic bottles

Boston Globe: Concord fires first shot in water battle

CONCORD — For years, Jean Hill has been reading about the environmental consequences of the countless plastic bottles filling landfills and polluting local waters. She has watched as other towns around the country have cut purchases of bottled water, which she views as a wasteful, environmentally damaging alternative to tap water.

This week, after lobbying neighbors and local officials for months, the 82-year-old activist persuaded them to take more drastic action than perhaps any other municipality in the country: At Town Meeting on Thursday, Concord residents voted to ban all sales of bottled water. ...

New Yourk Times: Where Thoreau Lived, Crusade Over Bottles

CONCORD, Mass. — Henry David Thoreau was jailed here 164 years ago for refusing to pay taxes while living at Walden Pond. ...


中國評論 - ‎1 小時之前‎
中評社北京6月24日訊/“連民進黨自己日前公佈的一份最新民調都顯示,百分之二十點一一%的受訪者支持盡速簽訂'ECFA'協議,以免台灣被邊緣化;百分之四十六點五六認為有完整配套後再簽訂,這就顯示高達六成多的台 灣民眾支持兩岸簽署'ECFA'協議。如此結果,已經讓民進黨的 ...

周末反ECFA遊 行_綠邀李登輝

中 時電子報 - ‎30分鐘之前‎
此外,前總統李登輝曾公開表示願意參加反ECFA遊行,民進黨指近二日會直接邀請,台聯發言人周美里表示,李前總統應不會拒絕。 蔡英文說,這段時間以來,總統府及行政部門自己設定了簽署ECFA的時間表,且無論如何也要 達成這個目標,「令人納悶與不解的是,為什麼 ...

Friday, June 18, 2010

為什麼委內瑞拉 吉爾吉斯 尼日爾 尼維斯 ... 都能公投

為了看看是不是別人都能公投, 我上了紐約時報的網站來搜尋 referendum (公投). 光是 2010-06-18 今天關於公投的報導就應使任何台灣人震驚. 下面我只列出前三頁搜尋結果.  公投的國家中包括台灣人不知道, 不孰悉, 或認為是落後的國家: 委內瑞拉, 吉爾吉斯, 尼日爾, 尼維斯, ...

 為什麼別人都公投 台灣人就是不能?

  • Nebraska City Torn as Immigration Vote Nears

    Kristin Ostrom, who has spoken against the referendum, said a rock was heaved through her front window, an old barbecue grill was dumped at ...

  • Times Topics: Hugo Chávez

    He also cracked down on television stations that had been critical of him, and proposed a referendum on constitutional changes that would ...

  • Swiss Give Final Approval to UBS Tax Deal

    The final accord came after the two houses of the Swiss Parliament agreed early Thursday to forgo a national referendum on the matter and ...

  • Times Topics: Same-Sex Marriage

    In California, after a court decision in 2008 allowed the marriages, a voter referendum that November, upheld in court in May 2009, barred them. ...

  • Ethnic Fissures Imperil Stability of Kyrgyzstan

    The government had been hoping to solidify its standing by holding a referendum on a new constitution on June 27, but the ethnic violence ...

  • An Angle Sighting - The Caucus Blog

    Ms. Angle, a former state lawmaker, similarly sought to cast the race as a referendum on Mr. Reid, rather than mainly on her positions, ...

  • Times Topics: Mamadou Tandja

    President Claims More Power in Niger's Disputed Referendum ... Nigerois voted in a referendum on Tuesday expected to extend the rule of President Mamadou ...

  • After Swiss Vote, 'Panicked Calls' From UBS Clients - DealBook ...

    Divisive UBS Referendum Rejected · UBS Tax Bill Faces New Hurdle · BSkyB Rejects News Corp.'s $11.5 Billion Approach ...

  • Times Topics: Niger - Breaking World Niger

    However, when it unsuccessfully campaigned for complete independence in a 1958 referendum, the PPN (which favored autonomy for Niger within ...

  • Times Topics: Saint Kitts and Nevis - Breaking World Saint Kitts and Nevis

    There has been strong sentiment on Nevis for independence from the larger, more populous Saint Kitts, and in a 1998 referendum more than 60% of Nevisian ...

  • Times Topics: Kyrgyzstan - Breaking World Kyrgyzstan

    In 1996, Akayev won a referendum on amending the constitution to increase the presidency's powers. Islamic militants seized several towns near the border ...

  • Times Topics: Sudan - Breaking World Sudan

    The elections that just finished were an important milestone on the road to the referendum, as laid out in an American-backed peace treaty in 2005 between ...

  • Times Topics: Bill Halter

    Two years later, Mr. Halter joined Mr. Beebe in opposing a referendum that barred gay men and lesbians from adopting or fostering children. ...

  • Times Topics: Indonesia - Breaking World Indonesia

    After the referendum, in Aug., 1969, Netherlands New Guinea was formally annexed by Indonesia, and its name was changed to West Irian (Irian Barat), ...

  • Times Topics: Chad - Breaking World Chad

    In the French constitutional referendum of 1958, Chad chose autonomy within the French ... The amendment was approved in a referendum in June, 2005. ...

  • Times Topics: Belarus - Breaking World Belarus

    A referendum held in 1996 increased Lukashenko's power at the expense of parliament ... A referendum in 2004 removed the two-term limit on the presidency , ...

  • Times Topics: Ecuador - Breaking World Ecuador

    Correa sought a referendum to establish a national assembly for constitutional reform, which the congress ... It was approved in a Sept., 2008, referendum. ...

  • Times Topics: Iceland - Breaking World Iceland

    In an non-binding referendum, 93 percent of voters came out against the payment, but Ms. Sigurdardottir's government has made clear that the debt will be ...

  • Times Topics: Kenya- The New York Times

    In April 2010, the Kenyan government passed a proposed new constitution, which will be put to a yes-or-no referendum later in the year. ...

  • Times Topics: Colombia - Breaking World Colombia

    In Sept., 2009, the Colombian congress approved a referendum on allowing Uribe to seek a third term. Bibliography. See O. Fals-Borda, Subversion and Social ...

  • Times Topics: Syria - Breaking World Syria

    He is approved by popular referendum for a seven-year term, ..... Assad was reelected in May, 2007, by referendum (he was the only candidate). ...

  • Times Topics: Georgia (Country) - Breaking World Georgia (Country)

    At the same time, voters approved a referendum on seeking membership in NATO, a popular idea after years of standoffs with Russia over Abkhazia and South ...

  • Times Topics: Rwanda - Breaking World Rwanda

    In early 1961 a republic was proclaimed, which was confirmed in a UN-supervised referendum later in the year. Belgium granted independence to Rwanda on July ...

  • Times Topics: Greece - Breaking World Greece

    In a 1974 referendum, Greek voters rejected reestablishing the monarchy in favor of a presidential parliamentary republic. ...

  • Times Topics: Canada - Breaking World Canada

    Last fall, Pauline Marois said her separatist Parti Québécois had temporarily set aside its promotion of a referendum on Quebec's separation to focus on ...

  • Times Topics: Turkey - Breaking World Turkey

    In 1961, a new constitution providing for a bicameral legislature and a strong executive was approved in a referendum, thus establishing the second Turkish ...

  • Times Topics: Silvio Berlusconi

    The vote turned into a referendum of Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi's conservative style, and his coalition managed to wrest four regions ...

  • Times Topics: France - Breaking World France

    A referendum in July, 2003, calling for approval of a new Corsican assembly with limited autonomy (made possible by amendments to the constitution) failed ...

  • Times Topics: Denmark - Breaking World Denmark

    In a blow to Rasmussen, Danish voters rejected adoption of the euro (see European Monetary System ) in a referendum in Sept., 2000. ...

  • Times Topics: Sweden - Breaking World Sweden

    A 1980 referendum called for the phasing out of nuclear power, but in the subsequent decades most nuclear power plants remained in operation. ...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

吉爾吉斯人可以公投, 台灣人不准
辛巴威人可以公投, 台灣人不准

拒國際維和 吉國堅持新憲公投

台灣日報新聞網版權所有 - ‎4小時之前‎
... 以確保公投如期舉行」。 聯合國難民事務高級專員公署發言人馬赫塞齊指出,七萬五千名難民進入烏茲別克,尋求庇護,烏茲別克沿著邊界為其設立了三十個難民營。吉爾吉斯這場動亂讓二十萬人流離失所,根據吉國衛生部公布,迄今至少有一百七十人喪生、近一千八百人受傷。 ...


國際在綫 - ‎2010年5月22日‎
新華網哈拉雷5月22日電(記者李努爾)據《先驅報》22日報道,辛巴威將於明年5月舉行新憲法全民公投,如果獲得通過,它將成為該國獨立以來首部自行制定的憲法。 報道援引憲法委員會主席曼瓜納的話說,新憲法草案的徵詢活動6月15日正式啟動,預計9月結束。 ...

Saturday, June 12, 2010

一個公投實例: 2008 加州 8 號公投案(禁止同姓婚姻)
為什麼美國人可以公投, 台灣人不行? II

簡單地說, 2008 加州8號公投案 就是要決定加州人支不支持同姓婚姻. 公投結果是52.24%贊成,  47.76%反對.  也就是說加州 禁止同姓婚姻.
加州8號公投案 的全文是:
Section I. Title

This measure shall be known and may be cited as the "California Marriage Protection Act."

Section 2. Article I. Section 7.5 is added to the California Constitution. to read:

Sec. 7.5. Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.
You might also be interested in these:

維基百科: 2008 加利福尼亞州8號公投案

2010-06-11: 紐約時報關於2008 加州8號公投案的社論

Thursday, June 10, 2010

一個公投的實例: 2010 加州 14 號公投案
為什麼美國人可以公投, 台灣人不行?

[請造訪 來支持 ECFA 公投.]

14號提案的目的是: 修改《加州憲法》中有關州長、國會和州議會代表等全州性職位的選舉程序。在初選時,選民將收到 列有全部候選人的選票, 選民可以不分政黨自由選舉各職位的候選人。在大選時的選票上,每個職位僅列初選得票最多的兩名候選人,即便他們屬於同一個政黨或者無黨。

New York Times: Calif. Voting Change Could Signal Big Political Shift
Under Proposition 14, traditional primaries will be replaced with open elections. It is a system that supporters hoped would spread to other states.

2010-06-04 05:59:00

(本 報記者丁曙洛杉磯報道)目前加州選民透過兩個步驟選舉州級和聯邦官員:首先是6月初選,各個政黨就每項公職選出一名候選人。其次是11月大選,選民在各黨 初選獲勝者中,最後選出一人。在初選中,登記某政黨的選民將收到印有該黨候選人的選票。獨立選民只能收到非黨派職位候選人的選票。有些政黨允許獨立選民索 取該黨的初選選票,但其他政黨則不允許。14號提案的目的:修改《加州憲法》中有關州長、國會和州議會代表等全州性職位的選舉程序。在初選時,選民將收到 列有全部候選人的選票,不分政黨登記選民,可以投票選舉各職位的候選人。在大選,每個職位的選票上僅包含初選中得票最多的兩名候選人,即使他們屬於同一個 政黨也可以。但總統和政黨委員會成員的初選方式不變。贊成者認為,代表必須從更廣泛的選民群體、而不是僅一個政黨選民獲得更多的選票,當選後能夠更好地合 作。14號提案賦予獨立選民在初選中享有平等投票權,可以提高選民投票率。反對派認為,對於每個職位,大選僅提供兩名候選人,而不是每個政黨一名,選民的 選擇的機會減少了,小黨候選人可能都被排除在外。由於同一政黨可能有兩名候選人,14號提案可能導致更多的黨內角逐。

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Taiwanese must wrestle their referendum rights back from Chinese KMT

I hope you will visit
to give your support that  ECFA can be signed only if a referendum shows a popular Taiwanese support.  Please also visit Chinese KMT strips away Taiwanese' referendum rights 中國國民黨剝奪人民的公投權
for documentation of how Chinese KMT strips away Taiwanese' referendum rights.

Monday, June 7, 2010

是欺瞞掩飾 是指鹿爲馬

I show a Google Taiwan news of 2010-06-07 in Part I below.  Note that 中部角頭翁奇楠槍擊命案 has a mere 50 篇相關新聞.  In comparison, 政院:不排富 全民幫富人繳學費 has 116 篇相關報導.  It is not that citizens are less interested in the first news.  It is that the Chinese KMT news media have again collaborated on this issue to
  • tone down the importance of this news, and
  • paint a picture of 壞治安 壞警察, instead of what is worse: 壞市長 胡志強 欺瞞掩飾, COVER UP!
I will show you a Google snapshot of Chinese KMT media report on 胡志強 in part II.   Here in this snapshot,  you will find 胡志強 almost beyond search,  showing how successful Chinese KMT media are in sanitizing 胡志強 from this COVER-UP mess!

I. Google Taiwan news on 2010-06-07:

奉命當司機?原來是常客!戴志宏 監視器死角「推手」

中時電子報 - ‎52 分鐘之前‎
就是那一「推」,讓內情難以明朗!中部角頭翁奇楠槍擊命案衍生的員警風紀案外案,原本市刑大偵三隊戴志宏,被認定是奉命載長官林文武至該處,「情節輕 微」,沒想到,案發前一周的監視器畫面露端倪,原來他才是出入該密室招待所最頻繁的員警,清楚被拍下打麻將鏡頭,還動手 ...

政院:不排富 全民幫富人繳學費

中時電子報-‎52 分鐘之前‎




自由時報-‎25 分鐘之前‎




中時電子報-‎20 分鐘之前‎



蔡英文邀輔選 楊秋興冷處理


北韓駭客任務 南韓控沉艦後…癱瘓金融

聯合新聞網-‎2 小時之前‎

手機費萬元 學童遭網路「色」計


廬山溫泉業遷村 內政部盼再研議

中時電子報-‎52 分鐘之前‎

大馬遲緩兒 來台考取2研究所





中央廣播電台-‎5 小時之前‎

中國學歷案 綠委批台大偷跑 國民黨護航

自由時報-‎2 小時之前‎

建設大台中 蘇嘉全自詡CEO




檢舉賄選 獎金加倍、員警受惠





聯合新聞網-‎1 小時之前‎

幫身障發聲 肌萎生獲總統獎


政院版災防法 立委批:卸責法案


海角七億匯回 陳致中:「暫存」台銀

聯合新聞網-‎1 小時之前‎

草鴞纏掛樹梢 雲梯車救鳥



中時電子報-‎20 分鐘之前‎

II. Chinese KMT news media divert citizens' attention form 胡志強's cover up to 台中治安.

黑道胡為/經調查 伊永仁:確定沒有第五警在場

yam天空新聞 - ‎2小時之前‎
針對台中市角頭翁奇楠槍擊案,台中市警方晚間9點鐘,將由新上任的台中市警察局長邱豐光,第一次親自主持,邱豐光跟台中檢方爭取之後,在不違反偵查不公開 的原則下,是否公布槍擊錄影帶,各界高度矚目。 晚間9點鐘,台中市警察局長邱豐光親自主持記者會,首先針對警察風紀 ...

台中市槍殺命案公布現場畫面 警紀沈淪

自立晚報 - ‎3 小時之前‎
﹝記者蘇詩鋒台中報導﹞台中市黑道角頭翁奇楠遭槍殺命案,衍生出來的員警風紀問題,引發一場政治風暴,警政署及台中市警局7日晚間於台中市警局召開記者 會,除了說明員警出入治安爭議不妥場所調查懲處情形外,並公布三段案發當天現場畫面,包括角頭翁奇楠遭襲、逃竄,及 ...

檢警密商/受不了每日一爆 公布影帶滅火

聯合新聞網 - ‎6 小時之前‎
中市角頭翁奇楠遭槍擊命案,四名官警在密室究竟是在泡茶?打麻將?喬事情?由於檢警遲遲不肯公布監視影帶畫面,連日來各種傳聞沸沸揚揚,對警方形成莫大壓 力;檢警高層昨天密商後,敲定公布部分影帶畫面滅火。 為了要不要公布影帶?台中市警察局長邱豐光昨天中午拜會台中 ...

面會首長/治安焦點 市縣警局長聯手維護

聯合新聞網 - ‎6 小時之前‎
近來台中市的治安問題成為話題,鄰近的台中縣也上緊發條,本周「面對首長專欄」,分別由新到任的市警局長邱豐光及台中縣警局長陳國恩告訴民眾警方的作為。 記者問邱豐光:從輾屍案、角頭槍擊命案到官警案,社會民眾顯然對警方沒有信心,你初就任,有何對策? ...


NOWnews - ‎11小時之前‎
四警否認賭博,警政署副署長伊永仁表示,供述不足採信。 針對台中市角頭翁奇楠槍擊案,台中市警方7日晚間9點鐘,由新上任的台中市警察局長邱豐光,第一次親自主持,邱豐光跟台中檢方爭取後,在不違反偵查不公開 的原則下,公布槍擊錄影帶1分鐘。 警政署副署長伊永仁表示, ...

中市槍擊案錄影帶 檢方考慮公布

中央通訊社 - ‎15 小時之前‎
(中央社記者郝雪卿台中市7 日電)台中市角頭遭槍擊身亡,4 名官警在現場,引發各界揣測,台中市議員要求公布命案現場監視錄影帶。台中地檢署襄閱主任檢察官徐錫祥今天指出,如果不影響偵辦,會慎重考慮。 翁姓角頭於5月28日在自家公司內遭歹徒槍擊身亡,隨後再爆出槍擊 ...

任台中警局長邱:壓力大但必能破案 【6/4 23:03】

自由時報 - ‎2010 年6月4日‎
台中市警察局今天舉行局長交接典禮,原任官胡木源(右)調任保三總隊總隊長,新局長由刑事局副局長邱豐光(左)接任。(記者廖耀東攝) 〔本報訊〕前台中市警察局長胡木源因為角頭槍擊命案丟掉烏紗帽,接任他的是擁有豐富刑事經驗的刑事警察局副局長邱豐光,今(4)日 ...


NOWnews - ‎2010年6月4日‎
新官上任第一夜,台中市警局長邱豐光馬不停蹄拿著槍擊案的報告,趕來一分局,親自主持專案會議。 新任的台中市警局長邱豐光走馬上任,4日立刻投入治安工作,包括詳加了解槍擊案案情、員警風紀案,也拜會了檢察長,晚間10點還親自主持專案會議,台中市 也進行維安,實施大 ...

槍擊現場泡茶 傳還有第5警?

華視新聞 - ‎2010年6月4日‎
台中角頭老大翁奇楠槍擊命案,現在越演越烈,有議員驚爆,案發時不只有四名官警出現在槍殺現場、其實還有第五位官警也在場,但身分敏感、還沒曝光。翁奇楠 開設的生技公司,儼然成為黑白兩道泡茶聊天的俱樂部,到底、有多少位員警曾經出入過?新上任的警察局長邱豐光,他說 ...


自由時報 - ‎13小時之前‎
〔中央社〕台中市角頭槍擊案發生後,引發各方爭議。警政署將會同台中市警察局,於晚間9時,公布槍擊案現場監視錄影帶內容,並說明全案後續處置情形。 台中市翁姓角頭遭槍殺案,當時有4名官警在場,後續又衍生台中市警方未在第一時間通報市長胡志強的風波,警政署於3日晚間 ...


公視新聞 - ‎2010年6月5日‎
台中角頭老大翁奇楠槍擊命案,有議員指稱,事發時,不只四名警官出現在槍殺現場,甚至傳出還有第五位警官也在場,還沒有曝光,翁奇楠開設的生技公司,儼然 成了黑白兩道泡茶聊天的俱樂部,到底有多少位員警曾經出入過,新上任的警察局長邱豐光,下令徹查清楚,表示一有結果 ...


公視新聞 - ‎2010年6月4日‎
台中角頭老大【翁奇楠】命案,有台中市議員說、當初時,不只4個官警在現場,甚至傳出還有第5個官警,只是還沒被報出來。翁奇楠的開的生技公司,已經變作 黑白兩道、泡茶、開講的俱樂部,到底有多少位員警曾經出入過?新上任的警察局長邱豐光,下令徹查清楚! ...

新警局長首日 邱豐光開專案會

臺灣新浪網 - ‎2010年6月4日‎
下午5:00交接,新任台中市警察局長邱豐光,立刻投入新業務新環境,晚間他就針對翁奇楠槍擊案召開專案會議,對於接下維護台中市治安工作,這個人稱邱霸 子的警察局長依舊表示他壓力很大。台中市新任警察局長邱豐光給人的第一印象是,他的身段相當柔軟,面對鏡頭馬上能侃侃而 ...

Saturday, June 5, 2010

是欺瞞掩飾 是指鹿爲馬

  • 如果不是因為議員質訊, 錄影帶不會爆光
  • 爲什麼不公布兇手的影像?
This is such a clear COVER UP!   胡志強's number one sin is COVER UP.  Other serious crimes are secondary.

企業界開會砰… 槍聲?風啦

聯合新聞網 - ‎8小時之前‎
台中治安真 敏感!中華民國工商協進會成員昨齊聚台中市討論經濟議題,席間會議廳門未關,突然一陣風,「砰」一聲大響,大門關上,有人嚇了一跳,說:「我以為是槍 聲!」 這一聲「砰」,讓原本生硬的經濟議題頓時轉移成治安議題焦點,與會人士竊竊私語、杯弓蛇影;台中市副 ...


NOWnews - ‎2010年6月2日‎
如果胡志強向黑幫付保護費,意思意思一下,那麼,以下的效果將馬上顯現:第一,台中不再有黑道橫行;黑道橫行,為了什麼?還不是為了錢。黑道收了錢,不去 遊山玩水,還要在街頭賣命?街頭不見黑道橫行,台中治安不好轉都不行!第二,台中不再有打架 滋事;黑道收了錢,不用 ...


中時電子報 - ‎2010年6月4日‎
台中治安不好,不是一天兩天了,晚近十一年,特警就因重 大治安事件進駐台中市,第一次特警進駐時,擔任台中市長的是民進黨的張溫鷹。台中治安難題, 非關藍綠,重點在台中特有地理與社會生態,如不搞清楚癥結,未來幾年,不論胡、蘇誰當選,還是會碰上難解的習題。 ...


中時電子報 - ‎2010年6月3日‎
各界關注台中的治安問題,不過,高雄市議員指出,全國治安問題最嚴重的不是台中市而是高雄市,暴力犯罪全台第一,議員說甚至有市民只是在家門前烤肉聊天, 就被飆車族打得送醫急救。議員呼籲市政府拿出解決辦法,不應該只是慶幸沒被媒體揭露。 台中治安問 題全國矚目,但 ...


聯合新聞網 - ‎2010年6月3日‎
台中,胡志強市長為四名官警出現在角頭翁奇楠遭槍擊現 場,被轟得窮於應付。也是「巧」得很,胡志強說要「向黑道宣戰」,警政署長王卓鈞卻說「不必」。兩位都是執政黨要員,中央和地方互槓,在野黨豈會放過?於 是砲聲四起,一剎時,台中市成為「黑道故鄉」,有可能影響 ...

專心拚治安 胡志強暫停跑攤

聯合新聞網 - ‎2010年6月4日‎
台中治安風暴籠罩,胡志強今起暫停跑台中縣,專心拚治 安。胡志強說,民調跌了9個百分點,這是個警訊。 胡志強說,聯合報的民調他能得到46%選民支持,非常感動,但也自覺愧疚,治安問題讓台中縣市民眾都受傷,但減少9個百分點,對手增加1個百分點,代表原 本支持他的選民, ...

台中治安亮紅燈 馬低調不回應

華視新聞 - ‎2010年6月4日‎
不過,對於台中治安問題、馬總統是否打電話關切呢,總統很低調、不願回應。倒是內政部長江宜樺說,中央已經介入,還說, 應該沒有第五位警官、出現在台中角頭的槍擊命案現場。#。(。進到會場裡,看看官員們全都脫 掉平常的西裝或套裝,換上運動服,準備大顯身手等會好好跟 ...


中時電子報 - ‎2010年6月2日‎
槍戰連連,台中 治安亮紅燈,警政署支援四十一名維安警力,下午荷槍實彈,正式進駐,明天起,展開兩個月的擴大維安勤務,特勤隊特地展示精良的武器裝備,保 一總隊特勤中隊副隊長黃世富說,配合中市警局任務指配,有信心穩定台中治安。 六月二號下午三點,四十一名維安特勤 ...

黑道橫行!台中治安失控? 吳敦義:要治標也要治本

NOWnews - ‎2010年6月2日‎
內政部提出「從台中市發生重大槍擊案談國內治安問題」專案報告,內政部指出,近期台中市 連續發生槍擊案件,經媒體報導後,震撼社會各界,引發全民關注,也令民眾對台中治安失去信心,產生不佳觀感。 內政部表示,追究原因,是因為台中市位於台灣中部都會樞紐,金融機構 ...

蘇嘉全:台中治安問題 不能全怪胡志強

中國評論 - ‎2010年6月2日‎
中評社台北6月2日電(記者黃筱筠、鄒麗泳)民進黨秘書長蘇嘉全即將出征大台中,面對最近大台中治安問題嚴重,台中市長胡志強是否該負起政治責任?他表示,全台警察有約7萬人,難免有風紀問題,他 替胡緩頰,不能純粹把警察風紀,怪罪在首長身上。公務員這麼多,“不認為錯 ...
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