Before we read 台灣大學政治系教授張亞中's article, let me mention two things:
- The left green sidebar says basically that as long as Chinese KMT is in power, it will strip away citizens' referendum rights, and
- My last two postings: Referendum is an integral part of any election in US, and Chinese KMT: referendum is unusual and unnecessary
Therefore, Chinese KMT does not allow referendum
* 2010-06-01
* 中國時報
* 【張亞中】
公投審議委員會 is as illegal in Taiwan as Chinese CCP regime is illegitimate in China. Chinese CCP regime is illegitimate in China because it has no consent from citizens it rules. Who are the super citizens in 公投審議委員會 who are empowered to decide whether citizens can have referendums? Can the political scientist 張亞中 name another country that has a 公投審議委員會? If it is OK to have such a 公投審議委員會, why don't we destroy our democracy further by having a 投票結果審議委員會 to decide whether Chinese KMT likes the result of an election?首先,我們可以再重新認識一下公投的性質。公投的發動方分別為政府與人民,內容包括「創制」與「複決」。由於公投具有創制與複決兩項性質,在邏輯上,人民所以要透過公投「創制」,是因為「政府不做,但是人民希望政府做」;所以要「複決」,是「政府要做,人民反對」。如果人民贊同政府的政策,沒有再勞師動眾的舉辦複決公投的道理。
In a democracy, the issue should be to decide whether ECFA has citizens' support. If the law is fair, the questions Do you agree? and Do you disagree? should not matter - the result is the same. But with our birdcage referendum law, the question makes a whole world of difference. The fact is that under the current referendum law, nothing ever passed. If both Do you agree? and Do you disagree? stand to fail, then Ma Ying-Jeou and 張亞中 would not want Do you agree? to fail, which would be interpreted as a lack of public support.其次,提案文字需符合法律。在沒有獨立制憲以前,中國並不等於中華人民共和國,中華民國也是中國。目前的《台灣地區與大陸地區人民關係條例》,兩岸分別以「台灣地區」與「大陸地區」做為治權名稱。因此,台聯提案中的「中國」一詞並不妥當。依現有法律規定,台聯提案應再改為「你是否反對政府與大陸地區簽訂兩岸經濟合作架構協議?」
Let us observe the obvious. Chinese KMT will say 中華民國也是中國 only in front of Taiwanese and only when Chinese and pandas are not present. 張亞中's students should challenge him to clarify his position on whether Tibet and Mongolia are parts of 中華民國.從以上兩點分析可看出台聯的策略。一方面在玩法律技巧。因為台聯知道,由於公投案門檻高,不容易通過,因此,故意寫「你是否贊成ECFA公投」,而不是「你是否反對ECFA公投」。如前所述,人民所以要提公投,目的並非在附和政府,而是反對政府,因此台聯提法根本已違反法理。台聯打算用這個手法來讓ECFA無法通過公投,此惡例一開,台灣民主將永無寧日,政府也無法做事。
Explain to me why in US, referendums are an integral part of any elections: Referendum is an integral part of any election in US另一方面,包括民進黨第一次的公投提案「你是否同意台灣與中國簽訂之經濟合作架構協議(ECFA),…」在內,兩黨的目的是透過公投文字強化兩岸「一邊一國」,「一個台灣、一個中國」的政治關係。對於民進黨與台聯兩黨而言,能夠爭取到這樣的公投文字通過,完成「一邊一國」、「一中一台」的兩岸政治定位的置入性操作,就已是政治上的勝利。
台灣大學政治系教授 張亞中 wants us to follow the law, but is completely blind to the law's extreme unfairness. As a professor, he is OK that a referendum proposition phrased positively or negatively produce completely different result. See also台灣要走民主,但也要走的有格調些,也更應多些理性。在野黨固然有監督與反對權利,但政府也有執政的權利。如果兩岸什麼事都要等公投完才做,執政黨其實是失職了。如果加入WTO都沒有舉辦公投,我們看不出ECFA有甚麼需要公投。
台灣 極不公平的司法是人民最大公敵 Taiwan's extremely unfair judicial system is public enemy number one
There was no referendum for WTO membership because there were no initiatives to demand one. In contrast, ECFA has brought such tremendous anxiety to our society and demands for referendum have been so great, and suppressing of it by Ma Ying-Jeou so brutal. 我們看不出ECFA有甚麼需要公投 is OK. Let citizens decide with a referendum.
Finally a google snapshot of 張亞中:
张 亚中- 维基百科,自由的百科全书
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