Thursday, September 30, 2010

為什麼聯合中時從兩大報淪為兩微報? A hint:
聯合民調: 朱立倫45%蔡英文28%

聯合民調 太保守了.
朱立倫 3,000,000,000,000,000,000,000%
蔡英文 0.228%

聯合民調:新北市選情 朱立倫45%蔡英文28%

  • 2010-09-30
  • 新聞速報
  • 【中廣新聞/陶泰山】
影音》最新民調!朱立倫45% 蔡英文28%
影音》最新民調!朱立倫45% 蔡英文28%


Thursday, September 16, 2010


中華保釣協會不代表台灣人.  These people can  do whatever they like, but I don't want them to spend my money, and I don't want others to think they represent me.

I protest to The Daily Yomiuri for calling these two 中華 persons Taiwanese activists, and to RTT News for stating
More than 80 Taiwanese protested outside the Japanese trade office
Are 中華 people in Taiwan Taiwanese?   I know 星雲和尙, 郭冠英, 和 馬英九 are not.  Would anyone call 中華愛國同心會 people Taiwanese?


中時電子報 - 2 天前
昨晚兩人返抵野柳漁港,對海巡署派出十二艘大、小船艦全程護送仍遭驅趕大表不滿, ...中華保釣協會領軍出發的保釣漁船感恩九九,13號下午出發前往釣魚台宣示主權, ...

Taiwan activists enter Japan's contiguous zone

The Daily Yomiuri - ‎2010年9月14日‎
A Taiwan fishing boat carrying two protesters entered Japan's contiguous zone near the Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea early Tuesday, in what appeared ...

Anti-Japan Protests In Taiwan

RTT News
(RTTNews) - More than 80 Taiwanese protested outside the Japanese trade office--serving as its de facto embassy--in Taipei over an incident at one of the ...